Ep20: The Truth

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"Did you drop off Herveen and Pearl?" Mizuki said, walking back up the forest with her trusted Shirohebi. Anna nodded, a basket of fruits swaying gently in her hands. "It was nice for the mom to give us food, but, aren't these demon fruits?"

"We technically are demons," Mizuki said, picking up one that looked like a grape, but was translucent and purple. "So demon grapes."

"I rather keep my purity, thank you," Anna said. "I still want to toss the basket."

"You can give it to someone, but tossing it would simply be rude," Mizuki said. "Even if they would not see it happen."

"Yet, giving it away is allowed?"

"We are just passing it along, wink wink," Mizuki said, winking twice.

"That is not how you do a double wink."


"You are not supposed to wink and say 'wink' out loud. It is poor taste."

"I was obviously joking," Mizuki said. "Wait, where are we going?"

"Walking back home, obviously," Anna said, stopping. Mizuki also stopped, looking at the ground beneath her then back at Anna.

"Yes, but why are we walking?"

"I do not know, Mistress, I am not the Ryu in charge."

Mizuki pouted and opened a portal to the roof of the temple, Anna clutching the basket so it didn't blow away in the wind. "Mistress, is it me, or is this place a bit breezy today?"

"It could be a wind spirit or yokai," Mizuki said, looking up and around. She saw Marsaw hovering above, blowing gusts of wind to them with her wing flaps. "Or just one poofy bird."

"Where is your Mistress, Marsaw?" Anna called to her, Marsaw coming down and landing beside them. "Hoot."

"Right, you don't speak words." Marsaw went over to the roof latch, opening it with a talon. "Hoot."

"Yes! She can show us where she is, if that is what she means," Mizuki said, putting a finger on her chin. "But, why would Nabu be inside?"

"That is my question since I asked Sana of all people to watch over..."

The two of them entered the temple, following Marsaw down the steps. She came to the dining-room door, knocking against it with her wing.

"But we already had our food," Mizuki said. Marsaw opened the door, showing the scene that had taken place. Tamiko looked distraught, her head jerking up when she heard the click of the door. Mizuki walked in and froze, seeing all the slimes immobilized on the floor, Nabu and Sana resting and bit Injured, and Tamiko subdued completely. "Ah-"

In an instant, Tamiko saw her last chance to possible escape, and as stacked as it seemed right now, she wasn't going to let it be squandered. "Mother!" Tamiko said, tears welling up in her eyes. Anna, not wanting to be a part of this, decided to leave for the moment.

"Daughter! What are you all doing to her?" Mizuki cried, coming over and pushing Namaru off of her. "Hey, what are you doing?" Namaru asked after being shoved aside.

"I should be asking you the same question," Mizuki said, clutching Tamiko tightly while she cried. "Sneaking in and trying to harm my daughter? That is a new low, even for you!" She looked at Sana and Nabu. "And you two! Nabu, I trusted you, but now, after all this?" Nabu stared blankly, blood still slowly rolling out of her nose. Sana clutched her throat, confused about which side the Ryu was on. "She tried to enslave us," She said, her voice still hoarse from the collar.

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