Welcome to the Forest of no Exit (Prologue START)

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??? Pov

"...What is this"
"Where... am i?"
I can't see anything.. Everything's drenched in darkness.
As i tried to remember where i am, i heard a loud thud in front of me. I wonder what it was..?
I... stepped forward, out of the darkness, and i saw it.
I saw.... myself.

"Hello.. I'm.. Akiro Komaeda.. The Ultimate... Unlucky student..."
"I think.... I think I remember now... How i got here..."

"I was in class at Hopes peak Academy, a school for all ultimates. And I remember being in class with my brother when the bell rang, and as soon as everyone tried to leave the doors locked. The school fell dead silent and suddenly we heard..."
"The windows shattered and at that moment everything went dark... and now I'm here"
"... Where is this exactly..?"
As i got up my foot got stuck on a vine and tripped me onto the ground.

🧸 "Lucky you have those gloves there, If you didn't your hands would be real messed right about now."

?! Someones here?
"Who- Who is that?! Who are you??" I quickly turned my head to look for whoever said this.

🧸 "Hello hello there!!"

..! Who is this..? Her voice... is so muffled?
"Uhm h-hi?.. by any chance do you kn-"

🧸 "'Do you know where we are' is what your gonna ask huh?"
🧸 "But to answer that.. no I surprisingly don't know where we are."
🧸 "Its quite a strange environment we are in is what i know."

Am i THAT predictable?!
"Oh.. ok then, whats your name? I don't want to just call you 'dude' or something."

🧸"Oh how very rude of me.. I am..."
and as she started saying her name, i somehow heard a drumroll playing..?
🧸 "Showtime!! The ultimate toy maker!"
🧸 "People all around the world know and love me!"

....I've never heard of her? But something tells me not to say that to her face.

🧸: "And who are you, little clumsy one?"

?!.. The way she said that to me... felt like she sees me as a peasant compared to themselves.

"I'm Akiro Komaeda, The Ultimate unlucky student.."
When i said that, she looked at me surprised and mumbled to herself softly

🧸"A Komaeda kid..? and Ultimate Unlucky..? Strange strange..."

Ah, i forgot to mention something about my brother.. His name is Nagito Komaeda and he's the Ultimate LUCKY student. Ironic isn't it?

But thats besides the point right now, What matters right now is figuring out where are we.

"So uh... Showtime..?"

🧸"Oh sorry! Was lost in thought~"

They sure has a odd name... Showtime... huh.

"Anyways.. Do you have any clue why were here?"

🧸"Now why do you think i know! no i do not! I have no clue why you think i'd know where we are and why we're here. For all i know we could've been kidnapped or something!"

That doesn't seem like too far of a stretch in this situation.

"Should we go... explore? Maybe there will be more people out there..?"

🧸"Ah yes yes yes! Good idea, good idea dear!"

This Showtime person has quite the way of speech, it kinda reminds me of how someone in a show or video game would talk.

We walk out the door from this strange room and are greeted with two more people. They seem like they already know each other well.

"Oh uh.. Hello there! Who are you guys..?"

🛼"..? oh hey."

The taller one seems completely un-interested meanwhile the shorter one of the two saw Showtime and gasped lightly

✂️"O-oh! uh- Hello there! Before i introduce myself i just needed to ask you something"

🧸"Ask away darling!"

This Showtime person is sure... a character alright

✂️"So like... You're the real Showtime right?! Aaah im a huge fan!"

🧸"I'm as real as i could ever be! Its nice meeting a fan huhuhu."

"Sorry to interrupt but can you both introduce yourselves now..?"

✂️"Ah right sorry sorry. Im Kyou Ichiru! Ultimate Hairstylist."
✂️"And this is my sister Sayuri! The Ultimate Rollerskater!"

🛼"..." "hi.."

Kyou walks up to me and Show and whisper something to us

✂️"Sayuri is a bit awkward with new people. Don't worry though she'll open up pretty quickly!"

"Well im Akiro Komeada, The uhm... Ultimate Unlucky Student.. And you guys seem to already know Showtime."

"Did you guys show up here randomly too? Neither one of us two know how we got here or where here even is!"

✂️ "No we don't sadly... But there might be a way to escape!"

She smiled at us and then turned and pointed at a door

✂️ "That door might lead somewhere out of here! But me and my sister couldn't budge it that much, we think that theres something blocking it from the other side."

🛼 "Could you help us open it..?"

"Oh Of course we will!"

🧸 "I mean we would like to get out of here too would we not?"

All 4 of us got to the door that had a sliver of it open, and all pushed into it as hard as we could

🧸 "Well this is harder than i imagined but i still think we can manage.."

We backed up to push it once more. My unluckiness came into light causing me to trip and hit the door with all of my body.


✂️ "Oh my god! Are you ok? You hit the door pretty hard..!"

🧸 "We also got the door opened now thanks to him!"

"Ah I'm ok, thank you. And at least my unluckiness caused something good for all of us."

Kyou helped me up and all four of us stared out the now opened door, Showtime peeking out of it and looking around.

🧸 "Hmmm~ It looks safe enough to me! But unfortunately it does not look like a complete escape."

🛼"You... you didn't seem very alarmed about if Akiro was ok or not..."

...that aside... all four of us walked out into the bigger room... this is starting to feel like a maze more than anything.

✂️ "Hey hey!! I found a door that leads outside!! It has a lil window i can see through."

"Wow uh that.. was quick."

These two... they're really not letting me explore these rooms even a little...
Outside... it.. looks like a forest...? That.. That doesn't make sense though? Wasn't I in a classroom before here?

Sayuri opens the door cautiously and lets out a gasp as some leaves blow in from outside.
This.. this has gotta be the strangest place i think any of us has probably been.

🧸 "Well then.. thats not what i was expecting..? A beautiful forest?"

"A what."

🧸 "Are you deaf? i said what i said."

✂️ "Hey hey theres no need to be mean..."

... That aside... We stepped outside and we're greeted with a huge forest surrounding us.
I can't help but feel that.. this place is not as it seems..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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