black out !

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diggy's p.o.v.

 we got into the bathroom and she walked towards the sink. she began to take off her make up with the pink make up remover rag. I walked towards the bath tub and began to fill it with hot water. after she was was done taking off her make up, she sat on the couch that was in the bathroom and layed her head back and sighed. once the tub was full enough I closed the water and began to fill the water with strawberry kiwi scented bubble bath soap. I then went over to her and kissed her. she fluttered her eyes open and got up . I got out of the little pieces of clothing she had on and walked towards the tub. she is still petite so I just picked her up and set her into the tub, she giggled. I got in and we sat there and relaxed.


mimi's p.o.v.

we talked and shared a few laughs then went into the shower to rinse off. once I got out , diggy helped me get my robe on . we walked out the bathroom and began to get dressed. diggy got dressed in gray pajamas pants and stayed shirtless. I got dressed in black nike spandex shorts, white sports bra and my socks. my hair was wrapped already. we got into bed after praying. I fell sound asleep .


(3 in the morning)

mimi's p.o.v.

I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach and cringed.  I tried to ignore it but then I felt a warm liquid run down my thighs. I felt another sharp pain but it was harder and I cried out. I held my stomach as I cried. diggy sat up quickly and kept asking whats wrong. as I was about to answer , I felt another sharp pain, and screamed louder. diggy jumped up and got dressed . the crew ran in, and bombarded me with questions. shay and shyla were panicking . everyone left to get ready while diggy helped me get on grey sweatpants and one of his t-shirts. diggy then carried me to the car and soon enough everyone came. I screaming and breathing loudly throughout the whole ride to the hospital.  I was rushed inside and into the ER. I screaming and squeezed dig's hand as they were running. I screamed one last time before everything went black. and I was out !

how it all started ! (diggy simmons love story) BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now