what have I done now

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Hi dear oh hi can you put more effort into it draco screamed at the top of his voice . What have I done now Hermione shriked at the top of her voice he said don't screech at me . OK I said as I stormed off to our bedroom he came in and said sorry I said you should not scream at a pregnant woman I said I accept your appolgy this time he gave me a hug and said I love you I said I love you too Mr. Malfoy he gently kissed me on the lips and said bed time so I went to bed I was reading with my head stuck into a book he said Hermione oh hello sweet heart I said he said how many months I said about 7 days left he looked astonished his eyes rowled again he said i'll be with you my gorgeous I laughed he turned round and smaked his lips against mine and then pushed me gently against the wall he stated kissing me lasted for about 3 hours . I started getting sleepy we got into bed and he layed my head on his bare chest he finally fell asleep well at least i though so I moved my head a little bit and then he moved my head back so I fell asleep he laughed and fell asleep himself I woke about 6.30 am in the morning I sat there realising that it was 1 day until the baby was due . I finally read my favorite book for an hour it was 7.30 am now he woke up and kissed my neck he said time to go to the hospital wing he said very contfussed he also said common Hermione so I did he laughed and then we were there the door opened as if it knew we were coming today Draco went to the lady at the desk and she said name please Mr. Draco Malfoy he said ahh follow me she said to them both they did and they sat down and she said I am doctor Meficrita . Now go to sleep she said as I yawned she led us through the compartment and said its time she said and a beautiful baby girl was born we called her Mirrisa Rosalie Malfoy she was gourgeous she had her fathers beautiful grey eyes and she was myne and Draco's Angel to us and she had Draco's blond hair and my bushy curls and my reading and know it all talent yet she was very very lucky to have to wonderful parents

Hermione and draco what have i done nowWhere stories live. Discover now