Chapter 1

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Hermione's POV
    It has been months since the war has ended and no one is the same. The Order lost many of its members, Fred, Remus, Tony's, Mad Eye, and many more. The Weasley's have not been the same since. Fred's death took a great toll on all of them especially George. George seemed to have lost his will to smile. He shut himself into his and Fred's room at the Burrow and  would not come out for days. Mrs.Weasley tried everything she could think of to get him to come out, but nothing worked. Ron and Ginny kept themselves busy in order to forget about Fred's death even if it was just for a few minutes. Harry and I try to help them grieve in anyway that we can.

Ron and Harry have decided to go to work at the ministry, instead of go back to Hogwarts. Ginny and I have gone back for our last year and in just two days we will be finishing it. Ginny has decided to join the Holyhead Harpies after we graduate. I will join Harry and Ron at the Ministry. Ron and I have decided to move into an apartment together. Ginny and Harry will be moving into one next to ours. The four of us have been together for so long that the thought of be apart is scary.

Anyway, Ron and I have been having a few problems. I guess when you look at everything that we have been through together, a few problem should be an easy thing to deal with. However, when one of those problems is him cheating on me. Well, no that is not easy to get through. Everyone remembers Lavender Brown, right? Most people thing that after she was attacked by Greyback that she died. Well, that is not true. She was change and every full moon she does become a werewolf, but she has help with that. Well, I believe Ronald Bilius Weasley is cheating on me with her. I know it sounds ridiculous, but all the evidence is there. The late nights at the office with her. The lipstick stains on his clothes. The smell of perfume on him when he comes home. Luna tells me that is not enough to confront him about it. Harry tells me the same thing. I hope they are right, because I really do love Ron.

Lucius's POV

    It has been two weeks since I was released from Azkaban. I will return to my job as CEO of Malfoy INC., much to Draco's disappointment. He believes that I need time to cope with the lose of the love of my life. Well, she packed up the day after my sentencing and left. She told Draco that she needed time to cope with everything and that she could not have him or me around to do that. Narcissa later filed for a divorce which was granted to her, seeing as I was in prison and could not fight it. Now, I don't even want to fight for her. She walked away from our family. I did what I thought I had to, in order to protect our family.

    Anyway, Draco has begun to mend fence with the Potter boy and the Weasleys. Oh and of course that Granger girl, and from what I understand she believes the young Weasley boy is being unfaithful to her. I do not understand how he could want someone else when he has her. She has grown into a very beautiful young woman. She is intelligent and beautiful, she reminds me of a young Narcissa. Anyway, Draco will now start his job working for the Ministry, now that I can take back over here. Who knows maybe I will even begin to move forward in my personal life without Narcissa. I do not know how that is possible, given that she was the love of my life. It is not easy to move on from the love of your life, especially when you have been through all the things that Narcissa and I had been through together. Anyway, I guess it is time for me to get ready for work.

Ron's POV

    Things have changed since the war. Hermione and I are together. My brother Fred is dead. Lavender Brown is pregnant with my baby. Oh crap, I did not mean to say that. Please, do not say anything to Hermione. You have to let me tell her when I am ready. I know I need to tell her before she has to find out on her own. I just need to figure out how. I never meant for it to happen it just did. I know how cliche' that sounds but it just did, at least that is what happened the first time it happened. After the first time we knew we should not have it again but we just could not stop. There was just something there. Hermione had that at first but something happened and it disappeared, maybe if it was still there the thing with Lavender would have never happened. I know what your thinking this is not Hermione's fault and I know it is not, but I am just saying. Anyway, I have to go Lavender has a doctors appointment that is about the baby.

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