58. Respect

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"So you already have 3 movies in hand and you are planning to sign another one for a debut director...??" Nandini asked finishing her breakfast and was about to rush but Manik pulled her back and wiped her lips with the napkin and replied "Yes...Because I will fit into that story...I feel like that's written for me..."

"But won't it be so hectic for you...??" She asked taking her bag and passing his car keys while heading out of the house.

He unlocked the car and they got in and he replied "Yeah...It will be...But schedules are set and directors are fine with it...And this new one needs a producer...Need to talk..."

"Okay..." She said and fidgeted with her fingers to ask something. Like he heard it, Manik said "Go on...Don't hesitate..."

She smiled looking at him and asked "Any outdoor shoots...??"

He chuckled and asked "Want to join me...??"

"Huh...Not that...What if I'm unable to join and we have to stay away...??" She asked looking at her lap.

"Then we have to stay away...Simple...But as of now, nothing in the schedule...Will let you know if I have to travel...And also, you are also busy these days...3 to 4 projects at a time and interior designing classes on the other side na..." He said pinching her cheeks making her pout and rub her cheeks.

He continued "So...Let's just concentrate on our careers...At the end of the day, I'll always wait to lay on your lap..."

"I love you..." She said with a proud smile and he kissed in the air replying "Love you too...I'll pick you up in the evening..."

He dropped her at the office and went to meet his second movie team for post-production works.

When he was having discussion regarding a small pre-release event and other necessary promotions, the producer came to meet Manik.

The team discussed on other things leaving the producer and Manik alone.

"So Manik...All good...??" He asked tapping on Manik's shoulder.

"yeah sir...all good...and all because of you..." Manik said happily and the producer smiled genuinely and said "It's all your hard work my boy...Anyways, heard that you have 2 more films...I'm seriously very happy for you..."

"Thank you so much sir...Signed 3 movies...2 movies from the same production house and one with the senior director...And...Heard another script from a debut director sir...I liked it a lot but couldn't find producer..." Manik explained.

"Ohh...Ask him to meet me once...I'll produce..." He said in the next moment making Manik gasp in surprise.

"Sir..." He exclaimed and continued "You didn't even listen to the script..."

"Hahaha...I trust you Manik...If you liked the script, then I can produce without any doubt...Just ask him to meet me...We will discuss about technical crew..." Producer assured making him double happy.

Within minutes, he made a call to the new director and fixed a meeting with the producer.

"Cool...How is your love life going...??" The producer asked making Manik blush.

"Sirrr..." He dragged and the producer teased "I know I know Manik...Tell me...How is she...?? All good in personal life...??"

"Yeah sir...Actually we are living together...Her name is Nandini...She is..." Manik started to tell about Nandini but the producer cut him in middle and said "Stop stop...Will you tell everything about her without even introducing her to us...?? Not at all fare Manik...Let's do one thing...It's been long time you came to my home...Even my wife was asking about you...So you both come for lunch at my place...This Sunday...Okay...??"

Manik hesitated for a moment and checked her schedule of online classes. Her classes will be done by 12 noon and he was sure that she will not deny.

"What Manik...??Any problem...??" The producer asked and Manik nodded in a no with a smile and replied "Sir...Can I...just ask her once...if she is okay or not..."

"Yeah yeah please..." He replied and Manik dialed her number.

"Jii" She answered and he asked "Umm...Nandu...Are you free this Sunday...I mean after your classes...??"

"Yeah...class will be done 12...You know na..." She replied casually.

"Actually my producer...you know na...Mehta productions...He asked us for lunch at his place...Is it okay for you...??" He asked with doubt in his tone whether she will be comfortable in accompanying him to meet his team from media.

"Umm...Are you okay with taking me with you...?? Are you sure...??" She asked with the same doubt in her tone if he is fine with introducing her as he keeps his personal life very private.

"I'm okay...You know na...He is like my mentor...I wanted to introduce you...only if you don't mind..." He clarified and Nandini smiled brightly and said "I don't mind...I'm okay..."

Seeing Manik smile, the producer extended his hand to take his mobile and Manik quickly said "Nandu...he wants to talk to you..."

"Hello Nandini...Hope Manik has conveyed about my invite...I and my wife would really love to meet you...We will be looking forward beta..." The producer invited cordially making Nandini happy with his polite nature and she replied "Definitely sir...Thank you..."

He handed back the mobile and Manik cut the call after saying bye to her.

"I feel proud and happy seeing you Manik..." The producer said and Manik smiled widely.

He continued "Though you know she will be free, you haven't promised on her behalf but made an effort to ask her permission if she wants to come or not...That shows your respect towards your relation and her...While the world has witnessed many attention seeking persons, she stayed away from limelight till you wished to introduce her...The perfect couple...I'm so happy for you Manik...I feel like my son has achieved..."

"That's so sweet of you...sir...Thank you so much...I can never thank you enough for treating me like your own son and all the encouragement that you have given me and still giving me..." Manik said keeping his hand on his heart, thanking him with all he has.

"You are worth it Manik...We will meet on Sunday..." He said with a smile and left to meet the new director that Manik has fixed an appointment.

Ignore mistakes...

Finished writing till part 64. Have this in draft, so posted...

'Whoever cannot see the little things of love that's brewing between them and can only focus on their intimacy which is a part of couple's daily life, I'm sorry...I'm at loss of words for you...'
P.S. Not intended or pointing anyone... Just random thoughts...

Keep showering your love to get the next update...

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