Ch.9 Sickly feeling 😨

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Alright now it's around 3, y/n has checked up and looked at all the animatronics including the cute little wet floor signs

y/n says sitting down at the stage for a little rest.
They had aten alot of Sundrops to stay awake and wasn't feeling good, safe to say eating lot of Sundrop and moondrop candy wasn't such a good idea after all

"Hay there Rockstar! How are you doing?" 💫🪐Freddy💫🪐 says

"Dude, Freddy, I don't feel good" y/n says trying not to throw up all the candy they aten

" Maybe you need to rest for a While, I know that this job you taken up isn't easy but it's ok to take a break you know I can go tell venessa to give you a break at least 10mins" Freddy says patting y/ns back

"Thank you Freddy😥😢" y/n says

Freddy helps them go to the back and lays them down on the bench/couch
(idk I can imagine there would be a couch in the like break room but like at the same times bench but idk srry)

"Ugh, atleast the check after this will be amazing" y/n says laughing a little

"Haha well I'll be on my way now! Be careful y/n! Don't make yourself more sick!" Freddy says running out of the room after hearing two beeps, y/n ponders where he's going 

. . later. . .
"Y/N! GET UP" venessa sreamed

Y/n quickly gets up freaking out saying" what's wrong did you find the kid?!"

Vanessa with the Sassy stance " what do you think you are doing?!"

Y/N" I was taking a small break!"
Venessa " yeah! Well it's been 20 mins! Consider that your break"

Y/n saying while getting up"ok like are you ok? Like you seem pretty agitated"

Venessa" ugh I'm .. I'm sorry it's just that is running circles around us and we haven't gotten him at all"

Y/n" actually I think DJMM almost got him but he got away"

Venessa"oh? Well that's great! Maybe we can use him to get him and you guys might actually catch them besides you two are like cool partners anyway" she says chuckling

Y/n "well he doesn't want to scare the kid and nether do I"

Venessa" well scare or not we need to get Gregory and I think Freddy has something to do with him"

Y/n thinks about it and yeah he seems to be pretty busy lately

Vanessa" I'm still sorry that I've been a.. well not the nicest person I'm just mad"

Y/n" oh no it's fine ofc"

They both talked and went back to work with venessa telling her to not fall asleep again

'what? She expects me to be like this some zombie?' y/n saying under there breath but it was whatever

Y/n goes to the bathroom and washe there face off to wake themselves up more and got back to work

(Sorry running out of ideas lolol maybe I should start with the fluff and the spice already /J /maybe? /Srs /should I? Next chapter?? )

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