chapter 7

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Abhi took her to his room and started doing first aid. Sidneet were trying to console her. She was not ready to leave Abhi. She shouted cause of dettol. Abhi gestured Sid to take swati

Sid: Swati idhar aaja bachu

Swati jumped on Sid. She started crying in his shoulder.

Abhi: Sid make her sleep for now
Sid: ok
Avni: I don't think so she will sleep now
Sid: same
Abhi: she will

Abhineet and ishu left. Sid made her lie on bed keeping her head on his lap and slowly tapping on her head she slept in 10mins. Sid went down to Ishu came to Sid he picked Ishu

Ishu: what happened to sati
Sid: she saw a bhooo bhoooo
Ishu: (scared) Noooooooo say
Sid: ok ok now u will have ice cream
Ishu: sati
Sid: yes mata we will bring for her also (to Abhi) Dada she slept and we both are going for ice cream
Abhi: ok Avni can u please be with Swati
Avni: ok

Sidshu left Avni was with Swati Abhi went to kitchen and helped Elina in making dinner after 15min Swati woke up she was so scared. Avni came and hugged Swati tightly she too hugged her.

Avni: no need to be scared ur brothers and I am with u
Swati: don't go anywhere
Avni: (aparts the hug) what happened inside
Swati: I always wanted to go to that room so today I went I opened room with a hairpin and (she narrates everything)
Avni: arey it's just hallucination see u were so scared that u started imagining such things
Swati: it can be real also na
Avni: but bachaa see there are no ghost but how did u get this cut on your head
Swati: I hitted my head on door by mistakenly
Avni: ohh
Swati: umm if u won't mind should we be friends as like and tuni bhabi
Avni: I was waiting for this moment from a long time
Swati: that so good

After an hour it was dinner time all were in the dining table but today Swati didn't came down after talking with Avni she went somewhere and after that no have seen her

Abhi: where Swati again she didn't went there na
Avni: no she went somewhere else
Sid: but where
Ishu: Ik ik ik ik
Sid: where
Ishu: bhoooo bhoooo take her
Avni: kuch bhi
Sid: she must be coming let's wait for her
All: ok

With Swati she went to basement. And was searching something from last 3 hours. She wasn't getting anything from there

*Flashback when Swati went to the wardrobe she screamed and everything became so silent actually that Swati was pulled by sona so she screamed*

Sona: shh Don't shout I will not do anything listen to me I am your real mother (Swati shocked) Ik u are so shocked but I searched for a birthmark on your neck a line I didn't found anything then I remembered your twin sister had that and u had a small black dot on your foot and if u want proofs go to basement and search for a box named Dev there is a dairy and everything truth is written in it why u are not with us and everything and also a box where your mother have told what happened after u came who asked Dev to disown.
Swati: if it is fake then I'll never come back to this room nor anywhere near of this room
Sona: ok but have u ever saw your childhood pic
Swati: yes

*Flashback ends she started searching for the boxes again and also had a fear of getting his brothers fake. She suddenly remembered that it's already dinner time she went to dining area*

Sid: toh madam where were you till now
Swati: why should I say to u !! did u tell everything truth that I will say also say the whole truth
Sid: (sternly) can't u answer straightly
Swati: (rudely) no
Abhi: Swati say sorry to Sid what kind of behavior is this
Ishu: sold sidh, papa no sold (scold) my sati
Abhi: Ohoo protective niece
Ishi: I no pototetive (protective) nich I Ichika
Sid: (chucking) ok u are not protective niece u are ishika okay
Ishi: yesh
Swati: my cutie pie thank u for saving me from these heatlers
Ishi: my papa and sidh no heler

Sidshek burst out laughing avni was admiring them. Swati was like 'like seriously' look. Ishi was also laughing cause sidshek were laughing

Abhi: ok guys now have dinner
All: yeah
Sid: btw avni Ayush slept or what
Avni: yeah
Sid: I guess no one is in room I should go as soon as possible
Ishi: sidh I go you go otay (okay
Sid: okay meri maa we both will go
Ishi: hmmmmm

(A/n: guys from the first day I literally forgot about Ayush the son of sidneet. Now when I remember I was like ohh bhai Ayush naam ka banda bhi hai isme)

After having dinner Abhi asked Swati to sleep with him today. Sidneet went to their room. Avni went to change Sid laid beside Ayush and kissed his (Ayush) forehead.

Sid: thank u for coming in this world and make me realise the feeling of a father don't ever worry in your life dad will always protect u

Sid slept beside Ayush. With Abhi he came to the room opened his shirt and laid in bed as it is a habbit of sleeping shirtless. He use to sleep in between when he Ishi and Swati sleeps together. Ishi was sleeping hugging her teddy she was between teddy and Abhi Swati came after changing into night dress she went laid beside Abhi resting her head in Abhi's chest listening his heartbeat. Abhi protectively wrapped his hands around Swati's body.

Something big coming soon

Hey guys I'm so sorry I'm not updating since a long time cause I am having exams it will end on 2nd March and I promise I'll give double update that day

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