Chapter 9

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Sahil and Kritika got all the stuff and came back. Kritika got down and took a few bags. Sahil was having trouble with the rest.

Just then, Sejal came out and
without saying anything, she picked up and half the bags and turned towards him.

"Welcome!" She said and she went back inside.

Sahil took the rest of the bags and went inside.

"Ohk! So the Nandra Family can occupy the 3 bedrooms and the Sharma's will sleep in the hall." Mr Sharma said
"Arre! No no! This is not fair! We all will sleep nicely in the hall. I feel that all ladies sleep in the bedroom, whereas we all will sleep in the hall." Mr Nandra said.

After a little hesitation everyone agreed.

All of them changed:

All of them changed:

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After that they made the respective beds

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After that they made the respective beds. However some "gaadis" were still needed for the men.

Sejal went up and she was climbing down the stairs with all three of them.

Sahil saw and came and offered to help. Sejal gave him a gaadi.

As she was walking down Sahil said.

Sahil: Sejal Sharma. Saint Andrews University, Batch of 2016.  Sorry, had to research a bit to refresh my memory of what an idiot I was!

Sejal: Don't say idiot yaar. It's a bit mild.

Sahil: Sorry yaar but the popularity of college just got to my head.

Sejal: Popularity? Such a hard life know Sahil.

(Both chuckle)

Sahil: Listen, I'm just tryna apologize here.

Sejal: So apologize!

Sahil: Ya, sorry. I mean, I'm not sorry for this, I'm actually sorry for.....I'm....Oh....I mean.....Im genuinely sorry for everything. Okay?

Sejal: Hmm..

Sahil: Ya...

Sejal: Apology accepted. It's ok.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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