What is Tigray People's Liberation Front all about?

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A massive mishap and warfare condition is predominant in Ethiopia. The names that are most commonly heard and mentioned are the Central Government and Tigray People's Liberation Front(TPLF). Now, the question is what is the origin of this front? Who leads this and why are the common people of Ethiopia not speaking about the problems they are facing? Let's get to the Questions and their solutions straight.

The Tigray People's Liberation Front was first established on 18the February 1975 in a lesser-known place Dedebit in Northwestern Tigray. It is a Left-wing, nationalist, paramilitary group of people who later on became a political party and took over to rule Ethiopia forming a government. The front first started with a few people and now has become a huge group with group armed forces and has brought quite some changes in Ethiopia as an opposing party. From 1989 to 2018, they run a successful coalition of the movement named Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front. This group of people who belong to the Tigray People's Liberation Front is very ambitious when it comes to war and fighting a war front. The pages of History still acknowledge the massive victory of the TPLF against the Derg regime. The war was 15years long one but none of the soldiers left the front before becoming victorious. That is the amount of trust and compassion they have for their motherland Tigray. They hate to believe that any kind of injustice or overuse of power that happens in Tigray or some cases the whole of Ethiopia they start revolting about it.

The Tigray War of 2020–2021

The most heated news of this decade of Ethiopia has to be the Tigray war and what was the role of the Central Government including Mr.Abiy and that of Tigray People's Liberation Front. The year was 2020, it was some date in November, conflicts started to take a step ahead as Ethiopian National Defence Front started complaining of Tigray People's Liberation Front creating treason in the base camps and the centers of the Army. The Conflict which remained undercover took quite several TPLF's lives along with martyrs from the Army too. The current Prime Minister Mr.Abiy declared a clear win over the Tigray People's Liberation Front. This exaggerated the whole scene when the people of TPLF started telling and spreading videos of War crimes. As of April 2021, nothing is quite clear to the people living outside the boundaries of Ethiopia to understand the exact scene of the place as there are certain kinds of blackouts that were mentioned by Mr.Abiy and his government. Some news that comes flying from the deserts of Ethiopia claim that the army of the Central Government known as ENDF has only 70% of the total control I Tigray. The current situation of the Tigray People's Liberation Front has some of the masterminds who died in the war, while some are hiding and others are in jail. It is also known that many supporters of the Tigray People's Liberation Front have joined the Tigray Defense Forces to live a peaceful life and not get killed. After all over the world, a wave of truth came up and the Prime Minister of Ethiopia was pressurized to speak about the condition prevalent in the region he acknowledged that ENDF has captured the Tigray region.

The Current Situation of Tigray

The Current situation of Tigray is in no way appreciable. There is a war going on in between its own country. The most unfortunate condition history has ever seen is that there's no interference of other countries but the country on its own is fighting a long war and is losing so many innocent populations daily. The current news says that the Ethiopian government goes on to make the 4th strike this week on Mekelle. Government spokesperson Legesse Tulu in a press conference said that they have one 3 airstrikes as of now and are going for the 4th one which has unfurled itself in the past days. The main reason why the government is indulging in such activities is that this will make sure that anyone wanting to revolt against the central government without any reason and break the law and contentment of Ethiopia has to face the consequences. The revolt can be a sober one and not one that loots the EDNF. Thousands of people have already died in Tigray and millions of people are forced to flee the country and find a place to live. Families around the region are seeing the worst times of their lives and are only praying that this might be over soon. The Tigray People's Liberation Front has voiced over the attacks made on the people and them. They have said that this in no way means democracy, it is the breach of human importance and the urge to save lives.

Is Tigray People's Liberation Front a terrorist Organisation?

Many people around the globe have this idea of the Tigray People's Liberation Front is a Terrorist front. Now the question is whether it is a truth or not?

The United States researched with Agence France-Presse which claims Tigray People's Liberation Front is not to be a Terrorist body. Again Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium claims the TPLF to have some connection as a Terrorist organization in 1976. However, it was on the 1st of May 2021, that the federal government of Ethiopia claimed Tigray People's Liberation Front to be a Terrorist organization. They said under the act of Article 23, this decision will hold for anyone being apart, discussing, or collaborating/having a link with TPLF will have to be treated under the Terrorism activities of the law.

Thus, the Tigray People's Liberation Front is quite the unknown kind of villain as per the government of Ethiopia. Now, the people and the politics of Ethiopia have to decide the fate of such an organization. In the current scenario, it is not at all possible for the government to take any kind of steps towards the TPLF. The country is under serious problems of war and it would need some time to get back on its own back. We have all the hopes and prayers for the innocent children, women, and men dying in between the war between the big names.

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