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-I like you Henry, you have some spirit I'll give you that (a faint smile),
For that let me ask you have you ever lost it all? have you ever looked behind you and saw a broken bridge you have done everything possible to mend?
It's not the bridge that I regret it's those whose axes the bridge was taken down by , people I have dedicated my life to , people I gave everything to , time, money, effort, sweat and tears I bled for but got nothing in return, you want to talk about virtue but let me tell you this , it is not there ,at the bottom of your colorful spirit there is an emptiness , a void you can not see because those who can show it to you , you'll never see coming , they're all around , your friend , your nephew , your brother in law , the grocery man at the end of your block ( the victim is silent and listening shocked at the details , it was his surroundings the doctor was talking about ), what was his name again , oh yes , Richard , you know Richard right ,the bald guy who always mixes your grocery up with that cute girl he fancies , Caroline , huh... good folk ,good folk they are ( the usual smile comes up, he knows more than he wants to share to Henry) but in reality, they're only as good as their circumstance allows them to be , there is no real fairness in this world, even that word would have no meaning in this universe or time my ..
sorry, doctor's orders can't get emotionally attached to my patient but since it's your last day I'll call you friend I hope you don't mind, I ve come to know it gives some comfort in these last moments.
Where were we again , oh yes , people are only there to suck your soul dry, the words that always come to mind are thank you , I'm grateful , how could I live without you but it all goes away , you see the bad overcomes the good when given chance and I shit you not it always does , it is benefit that prevails over virtue and lies that cover the unkindled truth and the truth is bitter nothing in it is sweet , I unveiled its cover and I saw a disfigured face , a horrible sight I cannot hide....where you see a smile I see a hidden misdeed, where you look at a flower I see its dead leaves, where you see happiness I see the overwhelming despair of a man overcome by life , a life that will drain you, at first you won't know it ,it's good at hiding its tracks, it's like a windowless casino where you lose track of time as you lay your cards and it all goes so fast but you don't know until you look around you and it is no longer the same face , the same expression you're used to see, didn't you ever wonder why you were here despite all the people around you that "deserve to be here in your stead" , I certainly did Henry and trust me my friend you are here for a reason.
(pause in the dialogue, description of the surroundings)
Henry looks at him and wants to talk, his throat keeps throbbing, making noises that can be distinguished so the doctor takes off the schandmaske, It looked a bit weird for Henry although he felt it on his face the looks of it were frightening but he already was used to it, or a bit familiar, there were already other masks on the other end of the room except that his was different, it looked like that of a clown , it was made of some kind of metal .
The mask was grey-ish it looked a bit old but not old enough to be rusty just old but clean,
There was a long nose and some curled up thing iron bits as if curly hairs within it.
4 more took place on that wall, it wasn't clear in the beginning but now they look somewhat similar, some differences of course but he couldn't see much with the growing shadow of the room.
I hope you like it, it's not much but I do like to take care of those who were chosen, you Henry have been chosen to be here or so have you been made by those around you, those who have deceived you, those who you have been for so long lied to, the smiling figures that roam in your head, the faces you first think of as you listen to me right now are what caused you to be here, you see HENRY I may be nothing but a crazy person to you but you are nothing to me but a fool.
I am the one that is a stranger to you but you are very familiar to me.
I ve been watching you since the first day you came to me, you looked so nice yet so deep in distress it doesn't happen quite often but you got my attention, especially when you want to pick up the phone whatever you had, putting everything on hold for a call, dropping all you have to go help someone and every time it's someone different, I have to say I was impressed, helping so many, only a few could do that but you, you were always there, however whenever for whatever and I admired that in you but I see you going more pale everytime you come to me, it's like you were carrying a weight no one else was able to see, one that I did not aswell at first sight but as I got to get more familiar with you, the details you shared with me from time to time, as if I were someone you knew from long before, a friend but knowing you, you've had plenty of them around you, Richard, Caroline, Paul your neighbor aswell who you've lent money for the 7th time in two months now, It's been a while now since you haven't mentioned him in your monthly checkup and I was wondering why a young man such as yourself would need to spend that kind of money on a monthly checkup with a good medical record such as yours and I don't even recall giving you more than some light prescriptions mostly placebo aswell.
Cebocap and Obecalp were just sugar pills that gave a little boost throughout the day, your results always came negative Henry, something to rejoice over before we depart. I got your results from the lab and they were always negative for any physical issues but as I told you, it's just mental my friend, you've been exhausted drained and overly used because you are always the one to try to fix things for others for your "friends" who you don't get to see after you help them out until their next financial issue pops up and they miraculously appear or those who were too lazy to do it themselves so you do whatever they ask of you which is sad, sad for a simple reason being you were never repaid for your kindness, or your time and effort and all of that is just wasted as you try to fix a warped reality, where everyone keeps complaining without doing, breaking while you keep fixing, nagging as you keep consolidating and it's sad because I have seen through someone that is awaiting a similar soul and looked for so long until you came to me. I believe you came to me to mend yourself and find someone like you, similar by the least and we were, we are but not in the way you think, far from it. You know in your mind you saw the picture of a doctor who is used to giving help to everyone around to soothe their wounds to heal their burns and to be the bearer of good news even if they were redundant, even if you came every month for it, so I could provide the news of a healthy guy standing in front of me so you can go home and tell yourself you're okay, to get some truth in your circle of lies, one you faught to keep but never tried to change, hoping for things to mend as you try, truth is what you looked for when you stepped into my cabinet, a welcoming face, good treatment, the looks of a trustworthy person who you can occasionally talk to and who can guide you even by the slightest hint, I know you've needed this kind of treatment and I gave it willingly not because of the money or the job but simply because I wanted to keep you around, how many times have you heard "let's see the results next time" 7 , 8 times by now but you never even questioned because you wanted to keep coming, most people would worry but you were happy to be there again and again and again but I got bored, I'm sorry to tell you this but I saw myself in you aswell Henry but where you saw a doctor I saw the broken man that you are, that we are ones who people broke by their axes and brought down by their ropes, they will bring us down to their needs and leave us once they're done and I have realized that too late but not as late as you my friend. Seeing these shadows that lurked behind every person I met brought forth my wrath where it brought your submission and solitude where you were trying to fit I was stepping further away from these human virtues you whole heartedly tried to maintain even though they never worked for you they only pushed against your tide and broke your wings one bone at a time you slipped into the hands of a growing storm that wishes nothing but to break these masks and unveil the faces hiding behind them the face you wear now is that of a sad soul, hiding behind the mask of a fool, that have always kept trying to help but there is nothing in grasp in the end nothing you did ever mattered it only got you closer to your end, slowly but surely it brought you to me I will not allow these parasites to put me under that bridge I will build mine over the bodies of those who don't see the true face of reality, the true world we live in is a storm and we're in its center scared to look up and see the winds that whirl around and denying the howling of the wind from every side.
Goodbye my friend thank you for your patience but your time has run out =).
Henry does not understand what is happening but he feels some pain, he feels colder as he gets dizzier by the second, he feels as if his body is drying out and hears a faint sound of a machine next to him, he can only look straight but he knows something is terribly wrong, his heart starts to beat violently and he feels a pain growing in his chest.
As his neck gets loosened up he sees the doctor's face near him and he tries to save his breath for one final word "why.........".
-Oh Henry, your question is exactly why because you did not understand what I have been saying all along and it is why you need to go, what the world is coming up to is not a place you can survive in I am doing you a favor that you will understand later on not in this life but perhaps the one after If there ever is one.
Henry's face goes pale and there is nothing to be seen but a corpse dried out of its blood, the pain he was feeling was the blood getting sucked out of him with a dialysis machine as the Doctor looks at him as he gradually lost his senses and his body withered away with a look of a man happy for things to end, he could not stay any longer and so he leaves things as they are.
Lights are turned off and a door is shut with a few keys turned.

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