I Didn't Do It

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WARNING: this short story consists of oral, sexual intercourse, foul language etc.


It was the final day of classes, Jen was excited. knowing that after today she can finally start her dream job. It wasn't and easy course she took. Jen mostly went to class to see her professor. Mr., Kiszka. well his name was Samuel, or Sam for short to most of the class. Mr., Kiszka didn't appreciate when the class called him by his first name. He always says "It's not professional" which Jen agreed. It was early in the morning students dragging their feet into the college probably not sleeping the night before. Jen was wide awake, excited. almost skipping down the hallway to her class. She wasn't paying attention her eyes glued to her phone screen as she was texting her best friends in their group chat. All of a sudden the impact of another body slammed into hers, causing her phone to slip out of her hand and dropping with a loud smack to the floor. "Hey, what the hell man?!" she yelled quickly bending down and grabbing her phone scanning her eyes over the screen to see if it cracked at all. "I'm sorry Jen, maybe you shouldn't be running down the hallways are you late for my class?" Jen knew that voice, that voice sang in her ears, making her body shiver. Looking up from her phone Mr., Kiszka stood in front of her. his hands on his hips, his long brown hair tied up in a messy bun. He was wearing a dark navy blue button up shirt with black dress pants, his watch shining from the flare of the sun through the window. "I-I'm so sorry Mr., Kiszka I didn't know it was you I-" "I don't wanna hear your excuses today Jen, get to class" Sam spat walking passed her. "Yes Sir" Jen frowned grabbing her stuff quickly and running to her class room. As she opened the classroom door, the sound of the door making an scratching sound against the tile flooring everyone's eyes landed on her. stopping what ever they were doing to focus on Jen entering the class room. Jen smiled softly anxiety rippling through her bones, for some reason a lot of people didn't like her. But she never understood why? Jen looked around scanning the room for any open seats. She huffed out a sigh as one seat was empty beside the "Popular girls" Jen made her way up the stairs passing by each row of students. Some guys were talking about girls and rating them, typical. another row of students were sitting on their phones glued to the screen ignoring anything in sight. while the last row were the popular girls sat stared her down like wolves ready to attack their prey. Jen sat down quickly, proceeding to take out her phone to ignore them. "Well, hello Jen how are you?" a squeaky voice interrupted Jen's escape plan from her mind. "I'm fine, thanks for asking" she mumbled back not taking her eyes away from the phone screen as she sent a text to her best friend.

Jen: god please help me get out of here!

Best Friend: Why what's wrong?!

Jen: I am sitting beside the popular bitches and they are trying to talk too me

Best Friend: I'll come get you once I'm done class in an hour.

Jen: okay.

the classroom door flung open causing many students to jump and quickly hide their devices. Jen included. "Alright! listen up, I'm not in the greatest mood after looking over most of your assignments!" Sam slammed down his book bag on his desk causing a loud noise to echo through the room over the silence. Sam scratched his forehead. His mind wondering how in the hell his students can't do the simplest shit. "thirty out of fifty failed this assignment. I will talking to those few after class, IF your name is on the board I expect you to still be seated once I dismiss the rest of the students." His voice was scratchy, low and rough sounding. Like he was up all night, no sleep. everyone watched as he grabbed a marker and proceeded to write down each student who failed, Jen prayed that her name wouldn't be on that whiteboard. She knew she did well, or she hopefully did. her fingers were crossed under desks whispering "Please don't have me on that board." over and over again, like someone or something would magically hear her begs for help. Her eyes squinted shut, until. "What is wrong?" a voice chimed in, causing Jen to snap open her eyes in that direction. A girl sat opposite of her, wearing a matching two piece shirt and skirt, her hair up in a messy bun, glasses falling down the bridge of her nose, quickly moving them up back in place, her vans untied. "Umm, nothing I'm okay thank you for asking" Jen gave the girl a smile earning one in return. before she looked at the whiteboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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