An Unexpected Meeting in the Woods

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   Almost evening, the sky was ablaze with the setting sun. Apolaki's beams cast long, winding shadows on the ground; on a tangerine hue backdrop, dark branches were imprinted on the cracked, cement street before me—the forest extended its thorny hands in malicious invitation and I gladly accepted. "I have come to hunt for the great Philippine Eagle and nothing could dare stop me!" I thought back then. If only I trusted my grandfather on the creatures that would await me, I would've dropped the gun right then and there. However, I was young and stupid; I didn't believe the myths.

   I ventured deep into the forest and with no prize in sight, the journey became a more arduous one to carry on. After an hour, I gave up. My resolve was so easily broken—a common fault amongst the blindly eager.

   Tired and hungry, I began the trek back home, but I found that the track I'd built seemed to lead to nowhere. A dead end. I made sure to tie bright red ribbons on certain trees, yet most of them were gone. It could only mean one thing – someone out there intentionally removed my marks. "Punyeta! Some kupal's toying with me!" I mumbled to myself.

   With frantic panic, I shouted at the trees surrounding me in the hopes that the culprit would somehow fess up. After my lengthy shouting session, I was more fatigued than could be. My nerves got to me and induced a state of hopelessness. Thereafter, the moon was making its rounds across the French-blue sky like a silver chariot. Faint outlines of Balete trees and humming creatures of the night were my only companions. I thought I would die there.

   Suddenly, I heard a sound: SWOOSH! The eagle I'd come to hunt dived at a speed unrivalled by any other creature I've witnessed—a blur of feathers and talons. I saw it, with mechanical efficiency, pick up a monkey with its claws and fly up to its nest. Through my night vision binoculars, I saw it ever so viciously crunch on the monkey's neck. The little guy was wailing out screams of utter fear until its windpipe was crushed.

   With unexpected conviction, I decided to aim my shot at the creature. If I were to die in this maze of trees, I would at least achieve what I came here for. Carefully, I positioned my body into the shooter stance, held the gun firm and shot. Bam! The shot pushed me back onto the ground and my right shoulder hurt like a bitch. But, I heard a faint thud. Picking myself up, I went to the area from whence the sound of victory came, and not seeing the eagle clear enough, I took out my flashlight and pointed at its body. I shot it in the stomach; guts and bile splattered on the ground. Seeing it still alive, I wielded a small pocket knife and hacked at the bird's head. Sphhhlt! Schunk! Shhhhhunk! Blood squirted on my face, and honestly, I found the whole ordeal quite therapeutic.

   Anyway, with that pinata party done, I went back to my resting place (where I left my hiking backpack) with the creature in my arms and I was about to lie down when out of the blue, clouds of mist enclosed me. Then with a crash of thunder, the moon just faded out of view and the world became a much darker place.

   Pairs of blood-red eyes popped out randomly from all around. I was surrounded by these piercingly bright, floating orbs that radiated the illest of intentions. I puked from pure horror. "These may be the creatures Lolo told me about..." I realized to my dismay.

   At once, incoherent shouts echoed from random points, and with each shout came an ever-increasing, throbbing pain in my temples. I knew I was doomed. They were using whatever powers they had to crush my already dwindling will to live; they wanted me to suffer.

   After just seconds of that torture that felt like days, I fell flat on my face onto the ground. Laboriously, I raised my head and saw two distorted figures exit the clouds of mist: a ghoul strangely in uniform, and a weredog that looked more ferocious than any wolf I'd ever seen. These two creatures confirmed my suspicion – I was surrounded by aswang!

   They walked slowly towards me, toying with me as if they knew that I was done for anyway. However, I had still not lost my will to live! Quick like a gunslinger from a spaghetti western, I picked up my hunting rifle in a split second and shot at the bastards like a madman; fresh smoke fumed from my gun, shooting me up with the smell of a chance outta this hellhole.

   Without a second thought, I threw away my rifle and ran in whatever direction I was going at the time. I just ran and ran, stumbled, and tripped. I didn't even notice the gashes and scrapes on my knees and arms. I didn't care just as long as I wasn't anywhere near those fuckers.

   I scampered until I saw the golden light of a street lamp. My body immediately collapsed from the sheer relief of knowing I was out of that place.


   I woke up, my face wet and cold. Some random tricycle driver asked me why I was snoozing beside the street. I didn't tell him anything and instead, I blurted out, "Wala lang! By the way, can you take me home? I have money naman."

   After about 30 minutes of travel, I finally reached home sweet home! I opened up my journal and straight away began to write. This was the story of the day I had an unexpected meeting in the woods. Never go to the forest near Mount Malindang!—meron there daming bloody ASWANG!!!

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