|001 - Reality Hurts|

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Present Name: Hana Y/n
Past Name: Y/n Kiana
Nicknames: N/n-chin, N/n-chan
Age: 16
Birthday: [Insert Birthday]
Gender: Female

"You piece of shit!" Her mother yells, "You're disappointed in this family." Another slap came to the [Your height] female face, "why did I have to give birth to you brat." Her mother walk away, the [Y/H] female goes to her room, sightly turning the knob and walking inside of her room.

Closing the door behind her, looking down on her feet as tears slowly fall down, Falling down hugging her knees, beginning to sob.

As the time passed by. The [Y/H] female stopped, emotionless stood up, and walks towards the full-body mirror, staring at herself, her sparks were barely glowing as she stood there not a single muscle was moved. Until she sees a reflection, and it was not hers.

"Y/N!" The voice shouted out her name running to a female caring by a male crying, "N/N-CHIN! STAY ALIVE!" Another voice was heard then another and another, all was calling her to stay alive but why?

"N/N-CHAN! Please don't close your eyes!" A female voice was heard inside of the mirror "p-please don't die yet.." A male voice was heard, then another and another. It looks real for some reason.

The [Y/H] female eyes were winded seeing the dark blue bracelet, she had onto the dying female's wrist. Their faces began to less blur as it zooms closer and closer. As Y/n was about to the dying female face a white flashed and the mirror was broken into tiny pieces, [Hair length]-[Hair color] female tumbles down on her bedroom floor, she was not injure at all well that is. Before she felt a big amount of pain in her body for no reasons at all.

She was back to her senses when there was a knock on her bedroom door, carefully standing up and walking to the door, slowly opening it, "Y/n!" Said her older sister Kirin. "Kirin what do you want?" She said, giving a cold emotionless stare to her sister.

kirin's eyes were winded seeing her little sister's dull [Eye color] eyes had sparks in them, "why don't you have no glow in your eyes?" The older female asked, making the younger one looked at the corner of the roof.

"I don't know." The words escape her lips.

Before closing the door, leaving her older sister speechless, standing right out of her bedroom door.

Time passed by and it was already night time, the [Y/H] female walked downstairs seeing her mother looking at her in disgust, avoiding eye contact was easy before her mother speaks, "hey, brat wash the dishes after we eat."

The [Y/H] female continues walking to the kitchen, at the doorway of the kitchen.

She turns her head around, reveling her cold, emotionless, dull [E/C] eyes. "Yes mother." Her figure slowly disappear after that statement, leaving her family in shock.

A couple of minutes passed, her family was done eating by the time she walked out of the kitchen, collecting all of the dishes and washing them. Placing the plates, spoons, forks, and glass, in their rightful place.

" Y/n, find the golden box. "

She heard the voice almost dropping the last plate. Finally placing the last plate in the draws, the female walked back upstairs stopping in middle of the stairs, having the same pain she was feeling at her room, before the mirror was broken into pieces, right before she knows it.

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