Dairy of the depress

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Dear dairy
My name is Yoelna Francis I am 18z. I just bought you for cheap at the dollar store. I used use as bait by the way, cause I needed to steal a pack of tampons. My mom think I have my period so I make it look like it by buying fake shit like that. But I don't wanna waste my money so I steal it. It's not the only thing I steal, and since your my diary I'll let you in on my secrets I steal a lot of things. I fantasize of being caught, but I have never been caught.

I wonder what I'll do if I get caught. I saw a promo where the girl got really fucked by this man, it looked like it hurt and didn't feel good. Ever since that night I fantasize that I'll get fuck like that.

I steal key chains, I steal pocket lighter and condoms, I stole a pregnancy test once (you know the story)x dear dairy no one caught me because no one pays attention to me.

They don't see it, I wonder why?

Anyways, I never steal my notebook. You were 50 cent I had to take you.

I took you and bought you.

I have 50 other books like you and I always introduce myself in each. I write these down for myself, keeps the time passing by knowing that the paper is willing to listen to me. 50 other books dairy, welcome to my collection. You'll soon grew to hate me, good luck.

I have clinical depression.

Well not really clinical, I never went to the psych cause my mom is psycho. All I do is breath and understand that I am not okay.

I am 28 and I am failing all my classes, my room is dump truck and my brains survives on caffein and cigarettes.

I don't know what's wrong with me , but I know that if I keep living like this, I won't make it past the age 20.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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