Part 2

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An icy wind bit her face as Marlin shoved the pub's door open. The storm had grown wilder- flashes of lightning brighter and the thunder louder. There was just pure chaos at that moment, captivating, deadly chaos. The rain seemed to be endless tears falling from the sky, its sorrow spilling into the ground. And Marlin just stood there, her auburn hair blowing in the howling wind. It was as if time had frozen and all that remained was the tempest over the sea. Nothing could have stopped it if the wild beasts hiding underneath the waves had decided to pounce upon the land and claim everything for themselves. No, they would have conquered the Earth with their pure, undiluted fury.


It did not take long before Marlin found herself on the cliffs overlooking the ocean. She had walked there without thinking- like her feet had taken control of her mind without her noticing. This had always been her favourite place to go during the storms- the one place and time she could be just like them- wild, beautiful, and free. And, from there, it felt like she could reach up and grasp the crackling lightning with her bare hands; like she could snatch the moon from the sky and control the ruthless crashing of the tides against the rocks and if she just reached high enough, she would reach the stars and see their beauty up close.

"It's a gorgeous view, isn't it?" Marlin said, finally acknowledging the person she could see standing next to her.

"I've seen better places."

"So have I but it doesn't change the beauty of here."

Marlin tore her eyes away from the sea to face the light-haired woman beside her. She was nothing short of flawless- nothing less than complete and utter perfection. The lightning had stopped as soon as she had met her electric blue eyes. Her face looked as if she were around 25 but her eyes showed strength and weariness that could only come with thousands of years of life.

"What're you doing up here then?" the woman asked- calm as the eye of a storm.

"Nothing, I just like to come here, you?"


"What's your name?"

"That's not important."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Marlin looked back to the bay, where the world had finally started to quieten with the imminent dawn.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to just fly away?"

"Like a seagull?"

"Not quite the imagery I was going for but ok."

She had to nod. Marlin had always thought of leaving her life behind to discover the world- sailing the ocean for the rest of her days. She would never have to worry again, just roam the seas as she wished.

"I can help you do that."


"It is not that complicated really, but I will require payment."

"What kind of payment?"

"You're an inquisitive one, aren't you?"

"If you mean I'm not stupid, yes."

The woman took a moment to consider her answer. There was something about her that made Marlin step away- forcing her closer to the edge of the cliff. She could no longer hear the sea behind her, no longer feel them splash droplets against her neck. It was like the waves had frozen and as if time had stopped in that instant. Marlin turned to face the woman again and met her dazzling sapphire eyes.

"Whatever your offer is, I refuse. I can do what I want on my own."

The woman gripped her chin, holding it between her icy fingers.

"You won't. You will live unhappily unless you do as I say. Don't you see? I am just trying to help."

"I doubt that." Marlin tried to tear herself away, but the woman's grip was too strong.

"You insolent girl. What the hell do you think you are doing?"

"Saving myself."

Sunlight streamed over the cliff, glistening on the water. The sky began to lighten as the world began to awaken with the fresh air of a Christmas morning.

"What have you done to me?"

The woman dropped her grasp on Marlin's face and fell to the ground. Where the sunlight met her skin, chestnut brown feathers appeared. As soon as they had come, the feathers turned to ice, floating from her skin to the damp grass.

"What have you done to me?" she screamed again, her melodious voice now a hideous shriek.

Marlin could not think of a reply until the woman, creature, whatever she was had shattered into a million pieces in front of her.

"I have killed the Winter Siren," she whispered, picking up the remaining frozen feather. And, with a new strength coursing through her veins, she made her way back home.  


Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you have enjoyed this. Also thank you to my friend burning8wood for editing this and helping me make decisions over the cover. I have really liked the process of posting on Wattpad again so maybe that'll be something I will do more of.

Thank you for your continued support,


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