Hello, I'm Eva. I'm 12 years old and a vampire. I was changed this year but before that..I was a feeder. Vampires..I had a master but he was kind to me and not mean like the head of the house Kyler. He was really mean, he scared me. This is my Diary so I suppose it's safe to put in here that..well. I killed a lot of people and my blood slave, Kalvin and I. We slept together in the forest for the first time. I love him so much though I'm afraid I will kill him but I dont want to change him. I dont think I'm aloud too. My Dad's Amazon and Whisper just got married and they have kitties! My Daddy Whisper is funny and puts them in his pants. I just hope Dad Ammy won't find this Diary, I could get in so much trouble. Thats it for now!