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*Smile appeared on my face then my
husband appeared*

*Smile appeared on my face then my husband appeared*

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Tae:Hi guys.

*Jungkook's mouth oppened wide from shock Wendy's too*

Jk:Taehyung ?

Wendy:You ?!

*Taehyung kissed my head*

Tae:Why you are so shocked ?
she always loved me !...just hide it...very deep.
*I hit him in stomach*

Tae:Ouch...my wife is very strong don't piss her.
Wendy:I didn't expect that.
*Areum for the first time look at us curious sucking one finger*

Tae:Aww and who this cutie pie ?
*Taehyung with big smile approach Areum.
He loves kids and kids loves him.*
Jk:She is my daugter Areum.

Tae:Areum what a nice name !
*He make funny faceses to her she laugh*
Areum:Who is this funny man ?

Jk:He is your uncle ,honey .
Tae:Come here...aigoooo
*he took her in his hands he let him*

Areum:You are handsome uncle.
*She look at his face from up close*
Me:Don't compliment him too much
Areum because he's getting too cocky😏.

Tae:Yah ! I'm won't !
Me:You will talk about it in car and I don't wanna listen.

Tae:Okay Okay.

Me:But she is right you are handsome...very handsome...dear.

*Jungkook is watching Y/n how she
changed throught this all years she grew into a beautiful woman.
He tried look for your eyes but their are 
completely on Taehyung playing with Areum.*

Areum:Don't tickle me ! ahh !

Wendy:Jungkook it's very late Areum should sleep.

Jk:Ah yes come in both of you it's very late.

*Taehyung gave Areum to Wendy
approached me and back hugged me I leaned on his chest*
Me:No we don't want bother you.

Jk:No I didn't saw you in so long...both
of you will spend the night in the guest room...please.

*Jungkook observed how Taehyung
was embracing Y/n it was weird to him
to see them like this.It is not jealousy...just weird feeling because in
past he would probably kick him out
from the house if he tried something but now he can't*

Me:I think we can agree right Tae ?
*I look up at him*
*he kiss my forehead set me free from his embrace*

Tae:There is one more thing...do you have bath ?
Jk:*chuckle* Yeah why ?

Tae:Bacause*he got closer to me and
unbuttoned my thick jacket.I let him smiling* Y/n may fall *he unveiled my
six month pregnant tummy*and I don't want it to happen.

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