Fixing Things (5)

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Yashiro was sitting on the sofa, watching what Tsukasa was doing. She wasn't completely sure, but it looked as though he was messing with something.
"Eh... Tsukasa-kun, what are you doing?" Yashiro said, and Tsukasa looked in her direction with wide eyes.
"I'm trying to fix this, it looks broken!" Tsukasa showed Yashiro what was in his hands, and it was a little statue. Yashiro remembered buying that statue for Amane's birthday awhile ago, and it had indeed broken.
"Oh, that. Yeah, I meant to repair that, but I could never remember when I was here. What're you trying to fix it with?"

Tsukasa gave a big grin, and pulled out a bottle of glue.
"Wood glue! It's not going well though." He said, moving the broken statue in his hands trying to find where one of the pieces went.
"That part doesn't go there. Want me to show you?" Yashiro said, moving slightly closer to Tsukasa and holding her hand out. Tsukasa looked at her hand, then at her face, and placed the parts in her hand.

As Yashiro looked at the parts that had been put back, she noticed that Tsukasa had done a messy job with the glue. He did put most of the parts in the right place, but bits of glue were sticking out. She laughed slightly, forgetting that Tsukasa was sitting right next to her.
"What's funny? Did I do it bad? I thought it was good!" He said loudly, and Yashiro glanced back in his direction.
"No, no it's not bad, you've just used too much glue, that's all." Yashiro smiled, and Tsukasa mad a face as if to say 'ohh'.
"Where's it from? It's really pretty!"
"You know that row of little shops just down the road?"
"Is it from one of those?"
"Sort of. Where that little cafe with the big pink sign is, there used to be an antique shop."
"It's from there?"
"It's from that shop. Don't remember the name, but everything there was handmade."
"Why is it not there anymore?"
"The owners of it were an old couple. They were really nice, but they couldn't afford the rent for the location so they had to close the shop."
"How long ago?"
"I don't know, two years? The past four have blended together in my head so I couldn't give you an accurate date."

Yashiro carefully removed the excess glue, occasionally glancing to Tsukasa, who was intently watching what she was doing.
"Where did you find this, actually?" Yashiro said, and Tsukasa thought for a moment.
"It was in a draw, I think. One of the ones under the mirror next to the TV!" He pointed to the draws, and Yashiro looked over to them, surprised.
"Was it?"
"Yeah, why? Did you not put it there?"
"I'd brought it up to Amane-kun when I noticed it broke, considering how many parts it broke into I told him that maybe we should throw it away, but right when I went to get it I couldn't find it."
"Well if you didn't put it there then it was probably Amane!"
"I gathered."
"Speaking of Amane, where is he? I haven't seen him today!"
"Oh, he said he had to go to a shop because there was something he needed to buy. Wouldn't tell me what it was though."
"When?" Tsukasa said, and Yashiro looked over to the clock.
"Not sure exactly, three hours ago maybe? It's only half-twelve."
"He's been at a shop buying one thing for three hours?"
"Seems that way. Most the time when he's gone to buy something and is gone for more than an hour it's because he's bought something so heavy that he can't even get it to the car."

After a bit more fixing, Yashiro smiled while looking at the statue. She'd managed to fix it, and also make Tsukasa's job with the glue look much tidier.
"Huh? What? You managed to fix it? I wanted to be the one to fix it!" Tsukasa slipped slightly off the chair, pouting.
"I appreciate the thought, Tsukasa-kun, but you're not exactly good with glue." Yashiro laughed, and Tsukasa pulled himself back up, smiling.
"Anything else I can try to fix?"
"You'll have to see, I didn't even know this was still here."

Tsukasa hopped up, and began going through draws. Right as he started, Yashiro heard the front door, and noticed as Tsukasa whipped his head around. The two of them stood up, and Amane was walking along the wall, hands behind his back. Yashiro walked up to him, a confused look on her face.

{DISCONTINUED} Dainty Duet • HANANENEWhere stories live. Discover now