sweet dreams

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sukuna is still kinda a jerk. i'm not gonna say anything about y/n asking for it cause that's not an excuse for sukuna being a jerk. but he is learning. i promise.


you rolled over, fumbling for your phone and picking it up, wincing when it turned on, way too bright, squinting at the time.

two-forty-nine in the morning. and you were awake, having woken up from one of the best dreams of your life. it was you, in a room, and there had been someone with you, and they were sweet, and respectful, and also very talented with their hands, and it was nice, and now you were awake, very much hard and grimacing, wishing you hadn't woken up.

but, as much as you would've loved to go back to sleep, a certain part of you was much too awake, making you huff, rolling onto your stomach and trying to ignore it. you were tired, and the dream was already fading, you had nothing to think of while doing it, and thinking of nothing wasn't fun.


"fuck," you grit your teeth, shaking your head to yourself as your dumb brain decided to think of One (1) Boy in particular, trying to not think about that. yeah, you liked him a lot, and probably like that, but acting on it? you would die of embarrassment and shame and never show your face to him again. but..

okay, nevermind, think of literally anything else, you were not doing this, turning and staring at the wall, thinking about your biology essay, that weird stain in the corner of the wall, yuuji being in your dorm shirtless yesterday, the crack in the floor where the carpet was peeling, you and yuuji on the bed, the scratches on the bottom of the bathroom door, yuuji moving on top of you, the ceiling fan turning super slow, yuuji, yuuji, yuuji-

"what the fuck..?!" you cursed, why did you brain hate you? why did it have to make you wake up horny enough that simply thinking of him made your stomach turn? it was unfair, and you hated it, and you felt awful, but still.. just get it over with and go back to sleep, right..? so.. "shit."

you awkwardly reached down, tugging your shorts off and flinging them somewhere, groaning when you palmed yourself, hand clenching the bedsheet as you sighed, rocking your hips against your hand, biting your lip as your mind wandered, wishing it would shut up for once in your life.

you squeezed your eyes shut, burying the side of your face into the pillow as you softly whined, imagining too vividly for your own liking- hands grabbing your thighs tight enough to leave bruises, teeth biting into your neck, yet all gentle enough to make you feel safe and cared for. it had your hand speeding up, biting your lip to try to stay quiet. it was two in the morning, nobody would be awake, but still, the walls weren't exactly thick. you could hear your neighbor playing guitar hero on the weekends, you didn't wanna accidentally wake them up with your.. "self-care".

actually, maybe that's why they had glared at you and yuuji in the hallway when they stepped out..? they had probably heard you both yelling.. though.. that wasn't anything, there was really no reason for them to be that pissed just cause of you and-


you shuddered, and shit, how had you forgotten..? you had been loud, all cause of his stupid stomach tongue.. which you missed, now, it was way better than your hand.. not just that stupid tongue, you missed all of him.. he was mean, and a bully, but he knew what you liked, and..

"f-fuck." you whined, holding the sheets tightly as your busier hand sped up, awkwardly jerking your hips against it, and shit, you really missed him- he could help you, do so much to you, hell, he could do whatever he wanted to you and you'd probably say thank you and just take it- you wanted him here, so, so badly, you wanted him on top of you, moving you as he pleased, doing what had made you scream like before, and shit, all he had done was use his tongue, and you already wanted more.. his hands, his lips, his- "s.. 'k-kuna-"

lights out | sukuna x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now