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I looked at the sky and saw birds and clouds through the window. I was thinking to myself “Why do I need to be in this new college?” I was interrupted by a loud noise and that was it, my mind and body went black. Next thing I knew was hearing sirens and so many people touching me. I had blood all over my uniform and face and I could not move my arm. My vision was starting to come back, and I finally saw a bunch of doctors. I started to mumble “where-e-e am I?” “what-t-t happened?” The doctors could see that I was getting distraught at the whole situation. They came up to me and they were telling me to “calm down.” I just stared at them, and my breathing became controlled, and my heart stopped beating so fast that I could hear it. 

They started speaking and what they said made me scream so loud that many people in the hospital started looking in through the room. That line has been in my head forever “Your parents are dead” “Your parents are dead” repeatedly. As I was crying, I felt this warm embrace from one of the doctors. He said with a deep voice “It is okay” I held onto him like I knew this random person. As he let go, I looked up at this tall, Black haired, and gorgeous brown eyed man. He smiled at me, and I was still crying, and he rubbed my tears from my cheek and said, “pretty girls like you shouldn’t cry” he also added “If I can do anything for you and help you get through this tragic moment just call my name and I will be there.” 

I thanked him and watched him leave but before I can udder “What is your name?” He was gone. I put my head under the covers and cried. Next thing I knew was that I had fallen asleep.  

3 Years Later...... 

I am getting ready for my new job at this office. As I was walking out of my apartment building, and I turned my body. I bumped into this man and my coffee went all over his doctor coat. I was shocked that I dropped my things and started drying him off; while saying “I am so sorry I didn’t see you there.” He giggled and stopped me from what I was doing and for some reason that deep voice I have heard before said “It is okay I have extras at my job.”  I looked up at him and bowed as I grabbed my things and walked fast away because it was an awkward situation. As I looked back at him, he did the same thing and had this perfect smile and I got shy and looked back at where I was going. 

I sat at my desk and cleared my mind of what happened this morning. I was interrupted by a nurse. “Excuse me do you know where Dr. Yun is?” I looked at her because I was new here and still have not memorized them all. “No, I don’t know where, but I’ll page him to the front for you.” She smiled and thanked me. I paged him and as I was doing my paperwork, I heard that familiar voice again. I looked up and I saw him again. As I looked at him, he turned his head toward me and I covered my face with papers. I was saying to myself “Please don’t come here” repeatedly. Although I kept saying that he came and said while light laughing “Why are you covering your face from me?” I moved the paper just only for my eyes to be seen and I just said, “I am just working but-t-t nurse Lin needs you.”  

Yun just giggled and said, “Okay Rue-Win.” I looked at him and uncovered my whole face. How the fuck does he know my name. But it dawned to me “My name tag.” He did not see my face; thank god. I just went back to what I was doing. As the day went on, I kept avoiding him repeatedly. I went on to do the work that I was doing. When it was time to go home after a long day. I was walking home into the dark. I was getting very scared to be alone right now. I felt like someone was following me from behind and I turned around and saw someone walking a little bit slower than me.

Next thing I knew these two men came out of nowhere and grabbed me and my things. I started screaming and they pushed me onto the ground so hard that my knee started bleeding. I started crying as they grabbed my hair and said “Give me anymore that you have” I could not say anything, and they kept screaming. Next thing that I knew was them on the ground getting beat up by a man with black hair. He told them to fuck off. Then he turned to me, and I still was scared but he just put out his hand to help me up and I looked up and it was him, I finally remembered it was him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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