CHAPTER 1: The Beginning

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It was a darkest night... An icy breeze blew over the dark forest, and cracked the dry branches of the dead trees... The full moon had just come out from behind the clouds, and shone its rays of light, making several shadows appear which stirs fear . There, deep in the forest, stood a very large and threatening mansion. It looked abandoned but yet... It wasn't that uninhabited! That Night, the woods seemed animated, indeed, several ghosts are heading towards this mansion precisely, as if they had received the order to attend a meeting. Once inside, the mansion seemed silent, you could hear the wind whistling. The moonlight streamed through the windows, giving the mansion a more sinister look. There, all of a sudden, the flames of the torches mysteriously lit up with blue flames, the ghosts suddenly turned towards the back of the Hall, and the door suddenly opened. A Big ghost, with glowing purple eyes, adorned with a purple jeweled crown stood there. He then moved forward, all the ghosts moved aside to leave him the way ... Once at the end of the room, the great ghost turned to his subjects: He was really angry, and his eyes were shining with anger. "Sir, is there a problem?" said one Of them. King Boo then took on a mournful voice, with a very dark look: "Those Humans have struck again !!! Not only did they enter our territory, but they also captured Boolossus, my faithful right-hand ghost ! "

The ghosts then took a horrified look. They looked at each other for a moment, and one of them added, "Majesty, what are we going to do ?" Their King then laughed with a way that was both dark and sadistic: "Never fear...! their crime, shall not go unpunished..."

After saying that, he then turned to His throne, he approached it saying, " Y/N come here!" No sooner had he finished his sentence, than a small little Boo, barely larger than the others, appeared.  as she came out behind the throne. You advanced with a very shy and discreet look; you had one eye that was purple like the King, and another F/C .  You also wore a little F/C flower on your head. You stood in front of the king, and said, "Y-yes, Majesty? The King then smiled sadistically, moved closer to you, stroked your cheek, saying, "Ah, Y/N ...My faithful and Loyal little Boo...You always wanted to prove yourself, didn't you?"

You then looked up, and looked at him in the eyes, still with your shyness "Certainly majesty"

_ " What luck ! so... Here's your chance, I have a mission for you..." after saying that, he reached out his hand, and levitated a sheet of paper, then gave it to you .
You looked at it in confusion for a moment, and added, "But... Majesty, it's a congratulatory letter!" We don't need a mansion, we already have one and a big one !"

King Boo rolled his eyes with a sigh, and added, "It's not for us fool ! let's say it's for some people who ... Deserved it! eheheh"

You then looked at the letter, and realized that there was an address : "Shall I deliver it to this address, Majesty?"

"Exactly... once your task is done, come back here .. And don't even Dear to desapoint me ..." You  swallowed your saliva, a little stressed, and bowed to him "I will not disappoint you, majesty"

" Great ... " Then, the King turned to his subjects and added : « And you, come with me! I'm going to need you..."

Moments later, as you prepared to go deliver the letter, King Boo stood outside the mansion, the fresh and sistrous wind was felt, and his look was fixed on a lab on the horizon between the shadows, and added gloomily, "So like that you attacked my subjects... Then, Be ready To receive The price of Your subsistence..."

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