~ Chapter 13: Monster jams ! ( Sundrop and Monty. ) ~

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monty and sundrop communicating i guess lol

Warnings: Cussing, mentions of sex.

~ Chapter 13: Monster Jams ! ~

Sunrise was minding his buisness in the day care, it was nearly closing time. He was cleaning up the glitter glue and googly eyes left on the floor. As he was cleaning, he hummed the pizzaplex tune that usually plays on and on.

" What a great time today! " he said with cheer. Picking up drawings and markers. When he did, he heard a sudden 'BANG!' on the daycare door. He shrieked, when he went to see what caused it, he saw a green, big "person."

" Friend! The daycare is closed today and-- " 

" Oh shut up, Sunrise. " the green person snarled heavily, Leaving sundrop to think for a moment, then remember.

" Monty! Hey buddy! What- What are you doing here pal? " Sun asked frantically, holding his drawings.

" Vanessa moved me here for the night. Cause my room is fucking getting remodeled. " Monty growled. " Language- " Sun said.

" Oi, whatever. You got any stuff to do here or is it all kiddy? " the gator looked around, only seeing stuff for kids. Sun laughed nervously, shaking his head no.

" Its.. Stuff for kids Monty. B-but.. Moon is-- Not.. Childish like me. " he stuttered, looking at the light switch. Monty grinned.

" How 'bout we turn the lights then huh? " he pointed towards the switch, almost touching it but Sun stopped him by screaming.

" NO! Rule breaker! " He yelled, Monty acted surprised at his sudden movements. " PAHA!-- ' Rule-Breaker'! Shiver me timbers, Sun. That shit only works on kids. " The large reptile walked away, making sun anxious.

" Man. This place should be my new room!  " Monty said with a grin, touching the tables and playgrounds that inhabited the place. " I'd rather not move out here friend-- I like it! " Sun said, holding both of his hands with anxiety.

" Ah whatever. " Monty shrugged it off. They both walked over to a table, sitting down.

" Man. Can you shut of the shitty music here? Kind of annoying. " Monty said, wagging his reptilian tail. Sun walked to the ball pit, swimming in it quietly.

" Ergh, this guy is such a bitch. " Monty mumbled, walking to some pillows he spotted. Laying there.

" Monty- Would you like some more pillows or-- I-I got blankets and -- Plushies of you! " Sun tinkered with his fingers. Monty spoke again. " Id like some blankets and pillows I guess. Go fetch em. " he said in a country voice, tidying his hair and tail.

" Ok Monty! " Sundrop said in a hurry, trotting too one of his cubbies full of pillows and blankets. The gator watched him carefully, scratching his body.

" Here you go, Monty! Would you like to have a-a.. Sl-Slumber party? " Sun mumbled under his breath, Monty looked at him, his glasses dropping lower on his snout.

" Ugh, since your so desperate.. Considering your a daycare attendant for kids.. Sure, I guess. " Monty growled scooting closer to his left. Sun sat down a few inches away from Monty, still near.

" Do- Do you have any secrets?? I have none! " Sun smiled, Monty crossed his legs.

 " Hm. Yes, obviously. Us sentient beings of course have damn thoughts and emotions. We are very flexible, sun. " Monty flicked his shoulder pads that had blanket fur.

" I.. had sex with Roxy. Alright? Dont tell the others.. Its.. Never mind. " Monty shrugged, Sun blushed a hot pink and red. His face plate spinning.

" Wow-- I.. Uh-- How- Was it like? " Sun asked awkwardly, Monty looked at Sunrise again with the same expression, turning towards him.

" It was astonishing honestly. Shes good.. Im good. Hehe. " The gator chuckled, looking down on his own body. Sun sighed heavily, still feeling flustered talking about.. It.

" Well- That was one talk.. I- Im going to sleep..! Have a nice slumber!.. Please dont turn out the lights! " Sun said, turning over to close his robotic eyes, and sleep.

Monty smacked his lips, and tapped his claws on the blanket. Then, turning over too, closing his eyes.

~ End of Chapter 13: Monster Jams ! ~

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