31. The truth

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"Okay Kim Mingyu.." The school manager sighed lifting her glasses up looking at a paper in her hand "You have been making too many problems in school those past weeks, until now you had made 4-5 troubles and most of them with Hyeon, can you tell me why?"

"What do you mean by why?! Can't you see him being vile with me and my friends??" Mingyu yelled while pointing with his hands everywhere.

"Don't shout Mr. Kim and let us get along" She lifted her glasses up and looked at Mingyu who was standing in front of her desktop "So, what's the problem between you two?"

"Mrs. I really don't want to make any problems with him but he brings the problems to himself" Mingyu said with a loud voice "He did too many things, he played around with Yuna and insulted us, he's being impolite and what about his friends, they're the same"

"Please sit down Mingyu and stop yelling, what did he do more?" She asked gesturing for Mingyu to sit on the couch beside him.

"The first two weeks of school he hurted Wonwoo Mrs. It was in our P. E. class he pushed him hardly on the floor and Wonwoo got bruises over his body and his hand twisted, and that day they punished me for defending for Wonwoo. And his friend Inyeon was harrasing him, touching him and Wonwoo didn't like that and they punished me too for hitting Inyeon. And Hyeon was harrasing Yuna today morning and Jen was insulting us so I hit him and they reported me to you. Another time they poured water on my books when I was in the bathroom where I left them on the table in the library. Isn't that enough for me to hit all of them??"

Mingyu knew she was speechless so he continued "He and his friends always give us disgusted looks, I can't accept this boss, I don't want my friends to suffer because of them especially Wonwoo, they're keeping up with him, too much. Sometimes he skips his meals because of what they do to him and can't you see his body? He's... ok it doesn't matter but they really have to stop, or I'll keep making 'problems' as you teachers call it"

"I don't know what to say Kim, but look here, if they've really gone that far you were right, but if you keep doing those problems you'll get more punishments-"

"My goodness, director, am I the sinner now?? Ok if that's what you all want then I'm not going to stop" Mingyu yelled getting up from his seat and walked out.

"Oh my god this boy, he is just 17 years old and is very bold, what about later?" She laid her hand on her forehead shaking it.


"We're home Wonwoo~" I shouted while taking off my jacket.

"How are you feeling now?" Mingyu asked walking towards him "I brought you porridge too, my mom said it's good for patients" He laid it on the table for Wonwoo who was resting on the couch in the living room.

"Thanks" He replied with a low voice.

"Hi Wonie~ how are you now? Do you feel better?" I ran happily to him and asked.

He laughed lightly at my brightness today and I felt happy for making him smile even though he's sick.

"Did your fever get down?" Mingyu checked his forehead then sighed "It's the same as it was"

"I'm worried Mingyu, is he alright?" I was frustrated.

"Don't worry Yoon he'll be okay" He smiled and patted my head "He is fine, it's just his fever that's making him tired"

"Can I help with something?" I asked smiling brightly looking up at him.

"You can bring some little towels and a can of water"

"Yes sir" I acted like a seas and got into the kitchen.

"She's really kind and innocent" Wonwoo mumbled and Mingyu hummed in response.


Thank you for reading ♡

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