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Chapter one

The cool breeze blew against me as I walked on the cold cediment bare footed. My hair blowing in the cold harsh wind making my face turn red and eyes watery and puffy. My hole body was num walkin in the cold weather with just shorts and a t-shirt. But I couldn't help it I had no clothes except the one I was wearing and I had no place to go. I'd had tried to find a homeless shelter but there seemed to be none in the depressing city of mari Montana. As I walked trying to find at least some warmth and a place to go a car pulled up and parcked on the side of the road next to me a young man appeared out of the car and sprinted toward me with a jacket that he had put around me. He asked me were I was heading in weather like this and clothes like that I replied with a I don't no. We got in the car and we talked he said he lived far away and it take us a couple days to get to his home were I could be sheltered. Then I don't know how he got me to but I told him my story.

Chapter 2

" I lived In Montana mari with my parents and my brother. My brother was a handful my mother would aways say and he was every secound he would be getting in to trouble no matter what he did he always ended up in trouble buts that's the reason I loved him. Maria! My mother would always call when I came home from my high school what I'd replie and she ask me to do little things around the house or remind me to do my homework or just tell me she loved me wich I thought was true at the time. My father was never around..." We're was he"the man anterrupted me "he was at worck I said. "He worked at a large factory in Newyourk city he almost never came home so we did every thing with my mother. Are family was happy intill the day we got that call that call that changed my life."

Chapter 3

" the man on the other end of the telephone greeted my mother with a very deep hello he said to my mother that she Hadent been paying the bills she needed and giving less money then the bill required. He said that If the 1000 dollars that she owed to the bank was not payed they would take every thing we owned. The money was due by the end of the next month then the man hung up and a loud beep reapeted over and over as my mother held the telephone still to her ear. She was shocked in disbelief she could not pay the money she new she could not and she could not tell my father about the money either because if he new he would kill my mother. My father was a very mean man and mother was afraid of him and I admit so was I.

Chapter 4

" We never agian had ate out. every night mother would make my brother and I dinner. She made us everything. If we needed something for school she would beg the teacher to give it to us for free and wich dident always worck. We never bought any thing either we did not go to the grocery store. Every night we would not drink or eat that much so we could have leftovers. Wich was hard because some nights I was starving and craving for more. The worst part was that my grade plunged down from As to Ds I was never happy anymore I was depressed angry and frustrated. My mother began working two jobs one at the fruit marcket near my house and the other at a grocery store that was running out of buissnes. Even I worked. I worked with my mother at the fruit stand that we only got payed 4 dollars an hour by the end of the day we only collected 24 dollars. Things got worse at our house the month was almost over and all our money added up was onley a total of 132 dollars and the worse of all was that my father was coming home.

Chapter 4

" Why was your father cruel?" The man questioned me. " I don't know but the day he came back was terrifying " I replied trying to hold the tears that were trying to get out of my eyes knowing what I was to soon tell the man. "My father was angry when he came home he slammed the front door open when he had arrived and left a dent in the side wall. Marcel's ( my mothers name) he screamed I was shaking in terror up in my room with my mother knowing what my father was going to do. Pound! Pound! Pound! Was the sounds my father made as he marched his way up the stairs were my mother,brother and I were he twisted the Knob to my door wich was locked and when he realized that it was he pounded on the door commanding my mother to open the door now. my mother did not replie to his commands wich made him more angrera and louder now! He would scream now.! I huddled close to her hopeing my father would go away. Now! Now! Now! He screamed louder each time. Then my mother got up and slowly inched to the door terrified. No don't open it! My brother and I cried please no! We pleaded then she turned the lock and in came father pounding his feet and speaking a language onley my mother could under stand then the word I rember that I could hear was gone.! My mother screamed but it was to late she fell to the floor motionless as my brother and I huddled closer and closer togther as we terrifyling waited what my father was goin to do to us. Then he dropped the gun and ran out the door were he was never seen agian.

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