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*fui a la grabacion...no queria tardarme...pues _____ estaba solita y no queria dejarla asi...*
-kaito...que bien que llegas...metete a la cabina
Kaito:que cancion voy a cantar??
-circus monster pero...en donde esta yuma??? *kokoro partido en3..2..1*
Kaito:no creo k venga...*mirando al piso*
-bueno que remedio grabaras solo....
*me meti en la cabina, acababa de sonar la musica cuando vi que aalguien abrio la puerta...yuma venia corriendo con su guitarra yo solo rei porque lo estaban regañando y se metio a la cabina*
Kaito:am...hola...*salude timido*
Yuma:kaito si sigues hablandome como uke ya no podre defenderte *rio burlon yo me sonroje*
Kaito:c-callate tonto!!!!!! *con sus manos me agarro la cara y se me acerco mucho* 0/////0
Yuma:mmmm...disculpame por lo de tu ojo...*se separo* te deje marca *sonrio*
Kaito:eres un baka!!!!!! Pero esta bien...
*empezo la grabacion*
Time is dead and gone
Show must go on.
It's time for our act.
They all scream at me,
They can not see
This curtain hides me.

An amazing gift
so quick and swift
You were amazing
By myself I can't
They start to chant.
Why are you not here?

Grinnig at me
I lay on my knees
They wat to hear me.
Why can not 'he' see

I want to see you.
I have to see you.
I need to see you.
I have to see you.
What happened to you?

We get up on stage
They jump to enrage
Why are you not here?
Why is 'he' so near?

'He' wants me to sing,
I just can not bring,
I say 'he's' not you
What else can I do?

Singing it's silent
Song if misery
A monsters lies
Trapped in it's own

'He' is a tyrant
It let out a plea
Why did she have
to leave it all alone?
Bound to sing for us,
A worthless monster
It never sees us.

Lying so useless,
We start to holler
'Hey, get up to worthless
Circus monster!'

I lay all alone
I should have know
You would have left me
'He' smiles at me
I can not see
Why 'he's' in your place.

They can tell me why
You said good-bye
Right before your act.
Those two young lions
Were always fun
Why did they leave, too?

Roaring at me
I lay on my knees
What is happening?
I can hear you sing.

They will not obey
They've been lead astray.
Will I still see you?

I have to see you
I panic and flee
They both pounce on me
I feel to the ground
I can't hear a sound

I look up and see
You are not with me
Am I all alone?
Where could you have gone?

Singing It's silent
Song if misery
A monsters lies
Trapped in it's own

'He' is a tyrant
It let out a plea
Why did she have
to leave it all alone?
Bound to sing for us,
A worthless monster
It never sees us.

Lying so useless,
We start to holler
'Hey, get up to worthless
Circus monster!'

Singing It's silent
Song if misery
A monsters lies
Trapped in it's own

'He' is a tyrant
It let out a plea
Why did she have
to leave it all alone?
Bound to sing for us,
A worthless monster
It never sees us.

Lying so useless,
We start to holler
'Hey, get up to worthless
Circus monster!'

Singing It's silent
Song if misery
A monsters lies
Trapped in it's own

'He' is a tyrant
It let out a plea
Why did she have
to leave it all alone?
Bound to sing for us,
A worthless monster
It never sees us.

Lying so useless,
We start to holler
'Hey, get up to worthless
Circus monster!'
*cuando terminamos yuma me espero como antes*
Kaito:yuma aun estas molesto??
Yuma:un poco....pero eres mi hermanito...mi preocupacion es tu felicidad...
*escuchar eso me hizo inmensamente feliz*
Kaito:oniii chan!!!!! *lo abraze muy fuerte*
Yuma:*hay pero que loli xD* gumi me ayudo...*sonrio*ahora soy muy fuerte n.n
*llegamos a casa y yuma se paso...cuando escuchamos a _____gritar y subimos muy rapido para ver que era y resulto ser EL MALDITO DE GAKUPO BAILANDOLE BIEN STRIPER!!!!!! >:|*
Yuma:que demonios haces pervertido!!!!! *lo tomo y lo jalo hacia afuera*
Gakupo:yo solo queria entretener a la cachorrita...
Kaito:HAY MAS FORMAS DE ENTRETENER TARADO!!!!*jalandolo igual*
Gakupo:ahhh ya se estas molesto porque tu le querias bailar asi!!!!*rio*
Yuma:ya gakupo!!!!!!!!
Kaito:c-callate!!!! Aun-aunque quisiera no se!!!!!
Yuma:porque eres taaan baka kaito!!!!
Gakupo:okey me voy!!! *riendose*
Kaito:no tu te quedas!!!!!*lo jala*
*yo solo veia como se peliaban sin ningun sentido...habia sido traumante...pero eso se me hizo muy divertido y rei*

kaito x tu "amor de destino"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora