Tree Roots

376 16 9

"How do you know my name?"


I run into the woods as fast as I can. Guilt rose into my lungs. The urge to turn around and go after Draco was the only thing I could think of but I knew it would do much more harm than good if I did.

The owl disappeared into the distance with my note. It was the fastest flying owl I've ever seen.

I don't know how long I'd been running when I finally have the need to pause. I lean one hand against a tree and another on my knee as I heave to catch my breath. It hurts to breathe. Each breath feels cold in the way that it feels like it's burning. 

I look up to the sky but the only thing I can see is the tapering of green leaves and skinny arms of trees. 


There's no way I can go back to school now. If I do, the cop will just find me since he patrols there. Even if I went back to my Aunt's, there's probably been a notice sent out for my arrest. 

All the bad options fill my head. Where's Draco now? Who know's how far the police are going to go. He could be beaten up or worse. 

"FUCK!" I slam the palm of my hands into the tree before I slide down the trunk. I bury my head between my knees.

Leaves crackling next to me lift my head up, some stupid hope that Draco had gotten away and had found me. My heart pounds as I look to my left and see the outline of another person sitting on the other side of the tree. 

I scramble to my feet and away from the trunk. "Who are you?" My voice trembles. 

A lady stands up. She looked like she belonged in an office, not in the woods. Her hair was perfectly made and her face was perfectly even. She was out of a magazine. 

"Who are you?" I said once again. Her brown eyes peered at me. 

She shakes her head. "That's a useless question. Even if I tell you, you won't know who I am. But I know who you are, Y/N Hartwood."

My features harden as I continue to take steps backward. "How do you know my name?"

"Don't be scared," She says.

"Easier said than done when some lady in the middle of the woods knows your name."

I stop moving when the base of my foot is blocked by a tree root. 

The lady starts digging in her pockets. Tears almost filled my eyes when she holds something out to me. "Maybe this will change your mind." I gingerly take my wand from her manicured fingers. 

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