Chapter 10: A Grief Unknown

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"I don't know what we could possibly offer you."

Taehyung watches as Jeongguk plays with his fingers, twisting Taehyung's ring. "I don't believe you are in a position to say that," he says. The blonde woman in front of them, Jisoo, sucks over her teeth. The worker from the animal shelter sits quietly beside her - Rose, she had quietly introduced herself as. Taehyung idly tugs at the collar of his sweatshirt, hoping that the Lichtenberg figures burned into his skin are hidden by the fabric. "How many of you are there?"

Jisoo crosses her arms, looking over Taehyung's shoulder to where the door is locked. The house they are in is a little run-down but Taehyung can tell that they have lived here for many years. It is well-traveled and the contents are well worn. Taehyung wonders just how long they've lived outside of the Citadel's influence. "Am I required to answer?"

Jeongguk sighs and Taehyung cocks his head, watching her. The pain that still burns beneath Taehyung's skin fades to the background of his mind as Jisoo meets his eyes. "Are you aware of the situation, right now?" Taehyung asks instead and her eyes dart away. "I cannot imagine the covenless are up to date on the matters of the Citadel."

"We know enough."

"Then you are aware that a false king sits on the throne." Taehyung's tone is biting, disgust rising at the back of his throat. Jeongguk lays his head on Taehyung's shoulder, curling towards him until he hooks a leg over Taehyung's knee. Taehyung pulls his husband closer, an arm wrapping around Jeongguk's shoulders. Jisoo watches them silently, her brow pinching. "Then you are aware of the weight of her fist as she's... cleansed the Citadel of those who don't follow her. Those she has killed without a second thought." Taehyung hears and feels Jeongguk's heart begin to race and he strokes a hand along his spine. The dangerous 'what-if's of those his love cares for have laid unspoken until now. The shields he trusted, the woman he calls his best friend - and the one who he viewed closer than his own mother. Their lives a heavy question mark that hangs above Jeongguk's head.

"But," Rose speaks up and all eyes move to her; she flinches under their gaze, looking over to the woman at her side, "we aren't a part of the Citadel?" She says and she licks over her teeth, her hands clenched tight in her lap.

"No, you are not," Taehyung agrees. "However, this woman is bringing a change that Seoul is not prepared for - nor does it want. She will bring death and destruction. She's already proven she will not stand for anything in her way." Taehyung pauses, waiting until Jisoo reluctantly meets his gaze head-on. "We asked to meet with you to request your help... as undesirable as that may be to the both of us."

Jisoo snorts and Taehyung feels Jeongguk's smile where it presses against his collar. "What exactly do you want us to do?" She asks and for the first time since Rose had very quietly escorted them to the humble house they called home, Taehyung sees her relax. She slumps back into her chair, exhaustion heavy in her features.

"I cannot take my throne back in the current state of things - no matter how much I wish to," Taehyung admits slowly, the words a stake driving deeper between the empty cage of his ribs. Jeongguk's knuckles drag over Taehyung's side where his arm is draped over his waist, his support silent and welcomed. "Have you heard of the woman in Victoria's employment?"

Rose and Jisoo share a look and Taehyung sees a flash of uncertainty in their eyes. "We've heard... rumors," Jisoo starts, and Rose nods.

"We don't follow the Citadel," Rose picks up, her voice soft as she fidgets with a loose thread, "but we hear things from the other covenless." Taehyung wonders briefly just how deep those connections run - and how far. He wonders what Namjoon and Solar have done to try and tap into this resource.

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