Frnkie sat dwn on gees crotch " ey gee I sux dick 4 da coke " gee lookd at Frnkie " rly frnkie? " Frnkie took he shrt of " fux yeh gee " gee stud up and tooc he pant of "I giv u da coke if u sux me dick" Frnkie suxed gees bg dic "gee y k til gee cummed al over frnkies face "y u do dat? Me was gon eat ur cum" Gee lookd at Frnkie " srry frnkie, hers ur coke" gee givs frnkie da coke "thnx gee" Frnkie runs intu da bushes wif he coke abs snorts ot.
A/N: I hope you guys like My first Crack fic.