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It was almost afternoon and a girl can be seen arguing with some one...

??? - Hey! you mister! I told you to go away !...Oh so you won't listen ! Do you wanna fight? Then come

She makes a karate pose

??? - wait! is someone calling me?

She turns back and gasps after seeing her best friend .

Jimin - Y/N you are drunk again and that to in the morning?

Y/N - H-how do you know? (her eyes widens)

Jimin - because you are arguing with a pole.

She turns back and frowns after seeing a pole.

Y/N - Aishhh! My head is spinning now.

Jimin brings her back to her apartment. He helps her to get sober again. Once she returns in her actual senses. She starts crying dramatically.

Jimin - Now what happened y/n?

She doesn't replies and instead gets seated beside him  making an angry pout.

Jimin - wait let me guess! were fired  from your job because of your clumsiness AGAIN!.

Y/N sighs and nods

Jimin - oh god! (he bursts into laughter)

Y/N shoots her deadly glares at him but he continues to laugh uncontrollably.

Y/N - okay bye bye!

She was about to stand up but Jimin stops her by grabbing her wrist.

Jimin - okay sorry sorry! Please forgive me!

He tries to suppress his laughter by pressing his lips together.

Jimin - okay ( he clears his throat) i have a job offer for you. I had it from start but I didn't consider it to be safe for you as you have to work in night shift which is not safe for you.  

Y/N - its okay Jimin I will manage it. Just give me the address.

Jimin - But please take care of yourself while travelling in the night . You should give your interview today itself otherwise you will end up being drunk again. I will drop you there as I have some work near that place.

Y/N agrees


She walks inside the store and spots a middle aged man.

Y/N - Sir I want to apply for the cashier job!

She gets hired for the night shift

Y/N jumps in happiness and ends up hitting a rack full of glass products with her arm because of which some glass products fall and smashes on the floor . She gulps and  looks towards the shop owner with a nervous smile...



Taehyung looks back but frowns after seeing no sign of his men. He quickly understands that they were fooled and now he was trapped in his enemy's trap but still he was so  determined to kill him that he decides to follow him alone. As he moves forward he gets surrounded by some men in that abandoned building.

Taehyung - Where is your  boss?  ( he shouts)

??? - Welcome Mr Mafia. Long time no see ( Smirks)

Taehyung - Don't worry you won't be able to see this world itself after today. ( Smirks back). Now give me the address of your boss 'the mask man' ! If you really love your life!

??? - And who will kill me  a weak man like you who couldn't protect the girl he loved . She died in front of your eyes right? ( Chuckles)

Taehyung's heart clenched after remembering that day. How helpless he was that he failed to protect his love. He felt so weak suddenly

Taehyung - T-that has n-nothing to do w-with you.

??? - What if I say it has everything to do with me. Would you believe me?

Taehyung frowns

??? - You remember this mask? Was that man who killed your girl wearing it like this.

Taehyung's eyes widens after realising that the person  standing in front of him is the murdurer of his love. He closes his fists in anger and pounces on him. But to Taehyung's bad he misses it.

??? - Clasp this animal! ( shouts)

Taehyung shouts and tries his best to free him from their grip.

??? - See you were searching for me every where to kill me but today when I am actually standing in front of you, you have again become so helpless just like you were on that day. ( smirks) I should have killed you too on that day itself. It was my mistake to keep you alive but now I will correct my mistake by killing you !

Taehyung - Just ask your men to leave me then I will show you who becomes helpless in reality.

??? - Bring that special gun which I used to kill his girl. Let me send him to her. ( Smirks)

* gun shot *    * gun shot *


Y/N was driving on an empty lane  near forest.

Y/N - Thank God Jimin gave his car for tonight, but I  lost my job Again ( she whines). Jimin will taunt and tease me again for my clumsiness (fake cries).

She hits the staring wheel in frustration and loses control of car. She applies brakes quickly but ends up hitting someone. Her car stops with a loud sound

Y/N - Damn! Today my clumsiness reached to a dangerous height. I hope it was not a human and rather a wild  animal. Shall I go outside and check?

She bites her fingernails in anxiety but decides to look around her car. She steps out of her car and frowns after  seeing a man fallen on the side of road. She mentally curses her clumsiness a thousand times . She checks on that man and sighs in relief after realising that he is still alive. She succeeds in placing him inside her car and drives off to her apartment.


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