~The pizzeria is closed down~

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(Lol I forgot to publish this)
Freddy fazbear~

It was a new week, meaning you had to go back to work...unfortunately. Work was nice and all, since you got to see Freddy. Though, it got tiring and the animatronics have been acting REALLY weird. They wouldn't let you leave your office at all. They started watching you insert you watching them. And Freddy was really nervous around you for some reason. He was stuttering often and was shaking. It also started to smell like rusty metal in the pizzeria. When you walked by the suit room, the smell got really bad. You asked Freddy about it and he said there was nothing to worry about, it was 'old pizza sauce'. That was when he started bringing you a lot of pastries. Every night he would being you pastries, their scent filling your room and it no longer had the smell of metal or like something had died. Then Freddy would always ask if you'd love him no matter what happened. Of course you said yes. So, like any other night, you were walking to the pizzeria. Though as you neared, several red white and blue blinking lights flashed before you. Your eyes widen as you ran to the scene. Police tape blocked your way of entering the building, and your boss sadly walked up to you.
"(N)...the pizzeria is being shut down... F-Freddy had a mishap with a c-child,"he stuttered.
"What!? What do you mean by mishap!?" You yelled, worry and fear written in your face.
"Well he-oh it nothing important really...I just want you to go home tonight. I'll give you your paycheck in the mail and well...you don't need to come here to work anymore..." He explained.
A shocked expression set across your features as you processed the situation. When you Looked back at the pizzeria, you could have sworn you saw Freddy covered In red standing In the window. Though, you shrugged it off and began walking home.

Bonnie bunny~

For the past two weeks, bonnie has been acting....different. He wasn't your usual shy sensitive boyfriend anymore, he was turning into a nervous wreck. He shook and stuttered when you came in the pizzeria, and he broke the camera to the suit room. You thought it was strange and always asked him what was wrong-though he would instantly change the topic and completely ignore your question. The pizzeria also seemed more-lively. Now you knew the animatronics did this weird groaning thing, though this sounded different. Whenever you walked past the suit room a human like groan rumbled inside, and the faint words help could almost be heard. Of course you just shrugged it off. You knew the animatronics were violent (which their explanation for that was 'they messed with our programming' which you believed and said 'it can't be helped'), but they said that was all in the past-that they didn't do that anymore! You believed it, you would never think you cute and cuddly boyfriend would be a cold blooded killer.
Since it was Monday, you had to go to work. You decided to go thirty minutes early and spend some extra time with bonnie. Walking into the pizzeria, you noticed it smelt REALLY bad. Like something had died... You could tell it was coming from the suit room, and decided to go check it out. You walked over, slowly and cautiously. As you neared the smell grew stronger and the bottom of the wooden door was tinted red. With a fear stricken look you threw the door open, and the sight made your jaw drop. There was blood everywhere and different body parts and organs strew about. You opened the door a little wider and a...small intestine fell onto you. You let out an ear piercing scream and Bonnie's head -along with ever once else I'm the pizzeria- snapped towards your direction. His face went from happy to fear and grief stricken.
"(N-n) don't look, I....I didn't do it-f-Freddy, did," he jumped up , and rushed towards you.
You then ran out the pizzeria without thinking twice. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you to the safety of you home. An amber-alert went off on your phone and T.V. saying the pizzeria would be closed down for good.

Chico chicken~

It was late In the night, about twelve. You weren't going to work today because you were feeling sick. And something just told you not to go today. It was a sick and twisted feeling in your stomach every time you though about work. Anyway, it could have something to do with your boyfriend. He's been acting slightly strange. In fact, you two didn't even hang out in the kitchen anymore. You were-'forced' to hang out in the security office. Hell, Chico wouldn't even allow you to eat the pizza anymore. You did miss eating his pizza to...though, you didn't want to pester him about it. He was obviously stressed about something (you could tell by all his stuttering), so you weren't going to stress him out more. You sighed quietly, Pulled the (f/c) covers up to you, and slowly shut your eyes. Then suddenly, there was a loud banging in your front door and the familiar voice of your boyfriend.
"(N) babe, let me in honey?" He sounded panicky.
With a groan, you forced your self off the bed and walked to the door. Slowly opening it. Chico rushed himself inside, and locking the door. He then started to lock all the window and close the curtains. You raised your brow at him.
"Ch...Chico what are you doing?" You asked wiping the sleep away from your eyes.
Chicos worried purple eyes met your for a moment, before he forced a reassuring smile on his features. His whole body shook and he tried to hide his hands behind his back. He was hiding something from you...
"W-well uh...I just missed you!" He stuttered out.
You looked at him really confused before saying, "I'm sick Chico...I need rest," you groaned.
"I c-can take care of you, I'll be your nurse! Though of course I will need to wash my hands-"he was going to continue but loud police sirens went off in the distance, causing Chico to look even more nervous and shake more.
Of course you didn't think much of it since police sirens went off all the time, though an amber alert went off on your phone. It was saying that five children were brutally murdered in- before it could finish Chico grabbed the phone and crushed it.
"Jesus Chico! Do you know what kind of fucking phone that was!? IT WAS AN IPHONE!" You yelled in irritation, you could get another easily but you had something for that phone...
You noticed a bit of red on chicos hands when he crushed your phone. You were about to ask him about it but he rushed into the bathroom to wash them.

Foxy the pirate~

You and foxy never hang out in the cove anymore. He always asked-no, forced you two to stay in the security room. Any other area .......was off limits to you. Freddy guarded the suit room, and occasionally went in for hours on end. Chico stood by the kitchen, and cooked more than he usually did. Also he used more 'sauce' than he usually did. Bonnie tends to wander around the stage or stay behind the stage. He could never really look you in the eyes anymore. Foxy on the other hand, hung out with you. His attitude towards you completely changed, it used to he flirty and sweet. Though now it was slightly different. Of course he was still flirty .........and nice or whatnot-but he seemed to get irritated easier and over protective over you. Whenever you tried to ask why you heard muffled screams or why the pizzeria smelled like a dead human- he always shrugged you and told you, you were hallucinating. Which you beloved of course because let's he honest here, you were going out with a robot who had feelings in a pizzeria where some creepy yellow bear could teleport just by staring at a poster- you began to believe anything could happen! But, you really started getting worried when the animatronics started smelling like blood and had a slight reddish tint to various places (*couch*robotperiods*cough*) and tonight, you were going to he straight up with foxy. Sure you knew he used to kill, but he said that was a long time ago and didn't happen no more, that he regretted it and that it was in his coding. Him being you boyfriend, you believed him. Anyway, tonight you walked inthe pizzeria about ten minutes early. No one was In Sight accept the animatronics......, which hadn't activated yet. They were still frozen in place on stage-it was only I'm a few cases where free roaming mode was left on during the week/weekend and foxy would come visit you. A small bell rang when you opened the door and immediately after, the suit room door was viciously banged on. Muffled screams emitted from the room that foxy desperately wanted you to ..........avoid. Though fear washed over you die to the fact someone or thing was trapped inside that room. Slowly and cautiously, you walked up the door. Once you stood In front of the door, you opened it. What you saw horrified you. The day shift guard-mike, lay by you feet mutaliated and bloody. His stomach had a large cut from his chest to his navel, and various bruises and gashed on his arms, legs, and face. A rug was stuffed In his mouth and his arms were tied together. Your mouth fell wide open and eyes widened. This was to much.
"L-lassie..." The familiar pirate accent muttered behind you.
Your body shook in fear as you turned to face him, "y-you're...you're a monster!" You started to slowly back out towards the door.
Foxy tried to reach out, a pained and ashamed expression clear on his face," Beaut please...I-I can change," he stuttered out.
You on,y replied by running out side and towards home, reporting to the police.

Golden Freddy~

Goldie didn't mind telling you he brutally killed people-and still did it. He was actually proud of his work and told you he created realistic human animatronic suits for Freddy and the gang. He never told you how but did let you see them- and they sure did feel and look like a regular human. You could hardly tell the difference. Sure, it scarred you to know your loving boyfriend was a shameless killer that had no problem telling you he enjoyed the sound of screams. Though, of course you loved him anyway-it didn't really change how he was towards you. He loved you and showed he loved you, you didn't think he would ever hurt you. So, like any other Sunday night , you were calmly sleeping I'm you room. Not a single worry in the world as you peacefully slept. Goldie wasn't around on Sundays for obvious reasons...he was at the pizzeria torturing his victims until he got bored or they died of blood loss. Tonight though, your window was thrown open and a familiar blonde stepped inside you room. He grinned, rolled you onto your back, and straddled your waist.
"Love, wake up~I have some news for you," he purred running his...bloodied hands up and down your sides.
You squirmed and began to wake,"w-what...goldie what are you-" once you caught glimpse at how bloody his clothing was.
"Gosh dammit goldie! I just washed these sheets and I told you-no blood in the house!" You hissed at him.
Goldie smiled at you before saying,"well anyway, the pizzeria has been shut down due to my unfortunate carelessness! The others played a small part in the act but it was mostly me. Though I don't care to much because that pizzeria is hell on earth!" He rambled.
"....um...okay....WAIT WHAT!? I DIDNT EVEN GET MY PAY CHECK!" You yelled suddenly wide awake.
"Sorry love..."

A/n: so the next few chapters will be; the new character springtrap, he moves in with you, and whatever other requests I have!

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