First impressions

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Ben's POVHere's who I chose to come with me: Mike and Zoe. I asked Cyrus if I had to bring three people with me. He said I didn't have to. We arrived at Camp Halfblood at 0100 hours. And that's when I saw Chiron. Chiron was a centaur. Centaurs are half human and half horse. When Chiron saw Erica he smiled. "Erica Hale, descendant of Nathan Hale, you look like him." Erica frowned and blushed at the same time. That made me upset, I don't know why but I didn't trust Chiron, he threw me off for some reason. That's when I saw Annabeth. She was running down to us. She looked like a polar opposite to Erica who slightly grinned when she saw her. "Annabeth," she said. A boy came sprinting after her; Percy Jackson. I was pretty sure they were dating but not 100%. When they reached us Percy looked at me like he knew me from somewhere but couldn't place it. Suddenly everyone was looking at me. I realised they were all looking above him. He thought his hair had turned pink or something, but when he looked up he saw a tident sybol above his head. "Poseidon" Chiron said. Percy was looking at me now like I was the best person ever, suddenly I fainted.When I woke up with Percy looking at me with great concern in his eyes. "You're awake!" He said enthusiastically. I reached for a my phone, it wasn't there. "No phones allowed at CHB." He said laughing. "I don't normally faint like that." I muttered "So" he said smirking. "You and Erica" I looked away. I had just met him and now he was talking about Erica. "Where is she?" I asked him, "With Annabeth" he muttered his smile wavering a little. Suddenly Erica came in, "Are you okay?" she asked touching my head. I knew it was an act though. She was inserting an earpiece. Percy looked at her. "What are you looking at? Your girlfriends calling you by the way." She said, she didn't seem to like Percy very much. "Alright I know you don't trust me Erica." Percy said."I don't know what you're talking about." she laughed. "Erica, lets go." I said, Percy mouthed me "go get her" I didn't reply. Then I realised I could take advantage of the situation "Lets go on our date Erica" I exclaimed. Percy grinned from ear. Erica flushed red. And that was when I started dating Erica Hale.

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