Chapter 20

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Eve had just arrived.

The evening shift at the cafe had broke her bones and withered her spirits down. She switched on the lights and some of her misery disappeared at the sight of her humble abode.

Nothing like home.

In the span of twenty minutes , she had changed and made a rough bun out of her hair . Then she went to kitchen to make some vegetable soup , Ly's favorite. Whistling to herself , she turned the burner on and—

The door was rapped thrice.

"Must be Ly." She said , checking her wrist watch. Well , he was on time for lunch. He loved hot pipping food anyways.

Eve walked out and went towards the door.

"Coming , dumbass! Stop knocking." Eve laughed , the smile still on her face when she unlatched the door and opened it wide.


The smile on her face disappeared , but still the twinkle was there as she looked at the beautiful girl standing on her threshold with a sheepish smile.

"Hi , I'm Claire Woodson. Can I come inside?" She asked timidly.

Instantly melting Eve's heart.

"You're Claire?" Eve asked in affirmation.

Claire nodded.

And the pretty girl got shocked when Eve stepped out and hugged her lightly.

The warm hug warning Claire of her intentions. .

"I thought I would never meet you , girl." Eve sounded happy as she backed off and ushered a very stupefied girl in her home.

"Make yourself at home." Eve gushed , now rushing towards the worn out couch with the torn leather , it had holes on it but she didn't seem embarrassed. In fact , she looked proud.

Claire kept her face set into a small smile as she got seated on the couch and Eve grabbed a wooden chair and sat down on it , in front of her.

"Ly isn't here yet." Eve told her straight away , grinning so hard. Ly got himself such a pretty girl , she suited her brother like nothing in this world.

Claire tucked away a strand of her hair behind her ear ,"Um , I'm not here for him."

Eve smirked. "Did you two fight over?"

Claire glanced at her in confusion and then she got what Eve was trying to insinuate.

"Oh no." Claire said gently ," We are not. .not  dating or anything. " She quickly clarified.

For the first time Eve frowned.

Claire seized her chance at her silence.

Calling her innocent face and none threatening smile , she painted her face with a hurt look as she talked to his sister.

"I don't know if he told you this but. .," She paused for a dramatic affect ," I hired him to be my pretend boyfriend."

Eve didn't react so she kept going.

"We had an arrangement. I was suppose to pay him but now. .he's trying to harass me for more. I do hope you're getting my point here—,"

"Didn't you write letters to him?" Eve asked in a low voice.

Claire forgot about everything.

"Letters? What. . I never wrote a word to him. Ever. I don't even know him!" Claire's perfect charade slipped for a moment.

Eve had caught her off guard.

She swallowed and got up. "Wait here."

And then in two minutes , Eve had a bunch of letters in her hand as she came in , worry etched on her face . Quietly , she handed one letter to Claire.

A perplexed Claire clutched the white paper and her eyes scanned the words.

Every word was drenched in love , in desperation , in agony . .and her name had been jotted down at the bottom. .as if she was the sender.

For the very first time in her life , her hands turned cold and her heart rate spiked up , her cheeks bloomed.

Either with anger or anguish.

She looked at Eve who was standing over her head .

"I swear I didn't write this. Someone is trying to frame me. "

Eve nodded thoughtfully , taking the letter back from her hand.

"Ly has been harassing you for what?" Eve asked in a calm manner.

Claire looked down.

"He wants more than money." She said in a small voice.

Eve's face turned pale at her confession but still she kept her patience in check.

"You mean . .sexual favour?" Eve addressed the elephant in the room.

Claire nodded. "According to him , if I didn't obey , he will rat me out to Dad."

Eve bit her lower lip.

"Ly. .I know my brother. I know he can never stoop low with any girl—,"

"I'm sitting right here. " Claire smiled weakly.

Eve's heart twisted in her chest.

"No , you don't understand. I raised him like my son. My values run in his blood. If he did what you said he did , then I won't have any person to trust in this world." Eve said in a torn voice and Claire suddenly questioned if what she's was doing was right?

Revenge don't know any right or wrong! Her heart whispered viciously.

He trampled on you , it's only fair you do the same , ten times worse!

Claire sorted her face into a wounded look ," I'm really sorry . I shouldn't have come here but I had no other choice—,"

"No ," Eve raised her hand , her voice quivering ,"you-you did the right thing and I'm proud of you. Any woman standing up to man , I'm proud of them. " Eve said in a steely voice.

Claire noted her heartbroken state and a cool feeling settled in her heart , seeing the worry on her face , the unshed tears . . .it was a band aid on her wounds.

She got up in one swift motion.

"I—i guess I'll be going then." She said but Eve didn't answer , Claire walked towards her and placed her hand on her shoulder trying to sympathize.

Eve glanced at her , her eyes filled up with so much Claire had to look away.

"You're brave , Claire. And. . don't worry about him." Eve's voice shook.

I'm so sorry, Eve. You look like a nice woman but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do ,Claire thought.

As she walked towards the door , she was sporting a winning smile.

But little did she know , revenge was a two pathway. Not one.


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