Chapter 5

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Both Wilbur and Tommy were now grounded. Tommy didn't get any extra days, because he didn't know he wasn't supposed to be up there. But Wilbur got a whole week.

"Wilbur. Will you tell me what you were thinking, bringing him up there?" Phil sat on one side of the table while Wilbur sat on the other. Tommy sat next to Wilbur.

"I told you! Bonding time!" Wilbur raised his voice a bit. Phil sighed.

"First of all, don't raise your voice at me. Second, you know you're not allowed to be up there. It's dangerous", Phil said, still as calm as ever. Wilbur rolled his eyes.

"Please. I haven't died yet so why would I die now?" he said, rolling his eyes. Tommy burst out laughing. Phil rubbed his temples and started chuckling a bit.

"You're still grounded though. I'm going to start dinner", he said as he stood up and started walking towards the kitchen.

"Grounded mates", Wilbur whispered when Phil had left. He held up his hand for a high five. Tommy just scowled and turned away. Sure, he had eaten ice cream on the roof with the boy, but that didn't mean he trusted him. He had been here for like 24 hours! No way was he gonna accept a high five from this prick.

Tommy stood up and went towards his room.

"Tommy?" he heard Wilbur's confused voice behind him. Tommy flipped him off without turning or stopping. The prick wasn't worth his time. He didn't care that he left Wilbur confused and slightly hurt. Why would he? He didn't know this dude. He would probably get kicked out within a month anyways! Why should he even try to be a good kid? It didn't work in the earlier houses, why would it now? So, on with the loud kid face again.

He reached his room and just sat down. Just sitting alone makes you think about things. Like how much stuff you have. To be honest, Tommy still hadn't unpacked his things from yesterday. He looked over at his black trash bag. No family had ever bothered to buy him a suitcase, so trash bag it was. He went over to it and opened it. There was a number of things he didn't remember he packed. But then again, he did just shove his things into a trash bag hoping nothing would break. Well, not that anything would break. He was Big Man Tommy Innit, nothing would ever dare break when he was near. Yeah. But those things in their places.

Tommy realised he was getting distracted and started unpacking his shit. He found a pair of trousers, which meant he had two pairs of trousers, a jumper, two T-shirts and a couple pairs of socks and underwear. So, he had packed those things up, now for the actual things he packed. He found two books, The Night Circus and The Wonderling (A/N no I didn't pick my favourite books, what are you talking about) and his stuffed cow called Henry. He didn't own much, but it was enough. He didn't need shit. He was Big Man Tommy! Big Men didn't need much. They get by just fine with like four shirts and two pairs of trousers.

"Tommy! Come down!" Tommy heard Phil's voice. He debated ignoring him just to be a pain in the arse, but decided against it.

He went down the stairs to see a young boy, around Tommy's age, sitting on the sofa. The boy had messy brown hair and a green shirt. He waved at Tommy.

"Hello! I'm Toby, and you must be Tommy!" The boy, or Toby, stood up to shake hands with Tommy. Tommy took Toby's hand and shook it.

"Toby's a lame name. You should have a more Big Man name like...", Tommy thought for a moment, "Tubbo! Yeah, Tubbo! Now, I'm gonna call you Tubbo whether you like it or not", Tommy grinned. To his surprise, Toby- no wait, Tubbo- started laughing.

"Sure, Boss man", he said, "Tubbo's fine. I like it", the two boys grinned and went up to Tommy's room. This was maybe a start to Tommy's first real friendship.



Thanks for 58 reads!!

Also, forgot to mention this last chapter, but when I was trying to find the english word for 'waffle cone' google translate gave me 'glass ostrich'. Yes, google translate my beloved.

Hope you enjoyed!


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