Chapter 1

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  First and for most, I would like to start with a trigger warning. There are events of self harm, eating disorders, paranoia, bi polar disorder, social anxiety, anxiety in general, and everything in between.

Some of this is based off of my personal experiences, thoughts, and wishes, so I know what it feels like to be in this situation.

If anybody gives me any crap about triggering them, imma get real mad, real fast.

Btw Cw=current weight
        Gw=goal weight
        Ugw= ultimate goal weight
        CH=current height

"When I was, a young boy, my father, tooke me into the city, to seee the marching baaaand," my radio blasts My Chemical Romance into my ears at percicely 6 am, which is entirely too early for a 15 year old to wake up.


I roll out of bed like a dead slug, only to fall into the uneaten dinner I had taken into my room last night.

Yesterday was day one of my weight loss journey, and it was a toughy. Having to deal with an over protective mother attempting to shovel a bowl of cereal the size of the Roman Empire into your mouth is never fun. And that's only the morning.

At school, there is the micro managing friend who watches every move you make, evey step you take, they'll be watching you. Song referance intended. For me however, Britt watched everything, and I mean absolutely EVERYTHING I ate, or didn't eat. "Really Lithia (me)? That's all your eating? Here, eat half of my sandwich." Were phrases heard to much yesterday.

"Ohshitohshitohshit" was racing through my mind as I flew through my house desperately trying to be ready in time.

While I was in my nostalgic memories from yesterday, I has seem to have fallen back asleep. Until 6:40. I leave at 6:45. I'm fucked.

By some miraculous reason, I was able to be out the door by 6:50, probably because I didn't have too pack a lunch for myself.

My goal? Lose 5 lbs. Cw=120. Ch= 5'5

People are always telling me that I'm so skinny and pretty, but I don't feel like that. When I look down, I see my theighs as big as the moon, calfs that are so fat, someone could use them as surfboards. The mirror? Even worse. I see someone who is the actual fat suit, with a globe sticking out from their stomach. I am what happened when you swallow a watermelon seed. My arms have the cercumferance of a lamp post. And my face is one ugly motherfucker.

Well that probably wasn't very good, but I've never written anything in my life and actually published it somewhere.

I NEED your feedback and opinions

L8r sk8trs

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