Well I guess I did good
More story
*I always try to get to school before the busses drop off the kids, because hey, social anxiety's a thing.
That was not the case today.
While attempting to swim through the crowed in my hopefully incognito Chuck Taylors, destroyed black skin tight jeans, and red-orange flannel, I bump into him.
At 6'1, he has the kind of look and personality that other girls hate, but I go absolutely mental over.
"Hey Lithia. You're here later than usual and you look kinda flustered. Here, let's get out of the crowd," he says, his mouth so close to my ear I can feel his warm breath on my neck, giving the rest of my body chills.
"Thanks. I just don't like crowds very much, I'm kind paranoid that people are looking at me like I'm doing something wrong. I'm just ranting now and being annoying. Sorry." I say, hesitantly at first, but getting more comfortable with every word.
That is, until I realize I'm boring him and shut up.
"Why'd you stop talking? I like the sound of your voice, it makes me happy," Atlas asked in his soothing voice that made me melt every time he said something sweet.
But, sadly, our moment was ruined by school. Or rather, the school bell.
The peircing sound drilled into my uncaffinated head, increasing my already pounding head ach.
"I gotta get to class, I'll see you at lunch. Save me a seat? Of course you will. Later." He says in his smooth voice. He has no idea how much I despise saying goodbye to him. Every time he leaves, it's a gut wrenching moment of one more person out of my life, even if it's for only 3 periods.
I've never had many friends in school, and the ones I did manage to keep around usually ended up complaining to me and called me an attention seeker if I ever tried to talk about any of my problems. But there is one group of friends who are just plain mean to me.
I walk with two out of the four Devil Friends (df's) on my way to 8th period. When we walk, they walk together in front, leaving me behind in the back of them even though there's enough room in the hall for three. And once we get to class, I'm pelted with pencil erasers, spit balls, and once, even a tennis ball from god knows where.
I don't know why I get so upset about this, it just makes me mad.
After sleeping through math, daydreaming through biology, and more sleeping through the difficult words of Shakespeare, lunch is finally here.
There are only two people at the table, including me. When i get there, Atlas is already sitting, staring at me with his beautiful deep blue eyes.
"Why are you staring at me?" I ask at him skeptically
"Because you look great in those jeans ;)"
"You're such a flirt!"
"Yes, but I'm your flirt and you love it"Little did he know, yes. I do love him.
So that chapter kinda sucked. Sorry. I wrote it in sections so it might not fit together very well.And I know the chapters are kids short but that's just because I can't write long chapters yet.
L8r sk8rs ✌