Chapter 11 "Down with the Assistant"

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A chapter is in our sights this fine day or night depending on where you are at the moment. Explanation time and more and more mystery is happening this fine day! ^-^. Let us begin shall we?


Vi stares at Ms Dowling for a moment as she slowly recovers from the initial shock of what she had witnessed.

" mother used to be here?" she asked, her voice wavering. Ms Dowling's eyes softened as she looked at the photo.

"Ah yes, Waverley excellent colleague of mine.." Ms Downling's hand touched the photo of Vi's mother as she remembered all the memories they shared fondly "Fairy of Mind..a very powerful one at that"

"She was a fairy..?" Vi asked

"Yes, she always had been..however she desired a different life..that's where she met your father in the realm you know now as home" Ms Dowling explained "she desired a home without fairy magic and the best for your too"

Vi looked down at this revelation. She wouldn't wanna see how her daughters turned out. So lost and broken. While Vi was able to recover..Powder..she wasn't able to. Ms Dowling, sensing the pain and sadness, places a hand on her shoulder.

"She is still your sister..regardless of the name and the choices she makes" Ms Dowling says softly "A victim of circumstance..but she isn't too broken to be fixed..."

"How.." Vi asked, looking up slowly "How would I be able to help her..?"

Ms Dowling smiles a bit "Be the sister she needs, you two have all the time here to salvage that..even if you two are on opposite sides"

Vi slowly stares as Ms Dowling walks away from her. Letting her process not only the information she was told but the advice she was given. She lets out a breath before walking down the main halls of Alfea.


Jinx walks into the officer holding some of the homework from today's sets of classes for Aisha as she finishes stacking all the files.

"Hey, I have everything from today" she says as Aisha sighs with a smile.

"Thank god, you are a lifesaver" she says, thankful as Jinx does a crazed giggle.

"I try to be..least it makes things a little less tense and boring" she says honestly as the door opens showing Ms Dowling walking into the room with Mr Silvia and..Queen Luna. Jinx can feel the air tense up by her presence. Her proper clothing and prim hair ready to show off. It made Jinx physically sick. Yea, Stella always loved to dress to impress as well but for some reason Jinx hated Queen Luna a little bit more. Aisha does a nervous smile walking over in front of her.

"Queen Luna" Aisha greets with a soft and proper tone "If there is anything you need during your-"

"Oh your so sweet Aisha" Luna says with a polite tone "But I'm far low maintenance than you can imagine"

Jinx watched as the trio headed for Ms Dowlings office before closing and locking the door. Aisha looked a little down before Jinx decided to speak.

"I don't like her" she says, her voice a little quiet so that she wasn't heard by the adults making Aisha turn to her.

"Why? She's the most powerful fairy queen."

Jinx shakes her head "She reminds me of those stuck up piltes back at home..all action..true colors haven't shown yet for.."

Jinx's eyes glowed a little as she picked up a conversation. She can hear the hushed whispers of a conversation happening in the other room. Aisha notices her stare.

"What? What is it?" she asked. Jinx puts up a finger to her lips as she focuses her power a little bit more. The conversation was mumbles at first until she picks up a certain sentence from Queen Luna.

"Your assistant died.. In this office"

Her eyes widened as Aisha noticed her confusion and a bit of fear.


Jinx slowly turned to her, her blue eyes coming back.

"Someones dead"


"Callum is dead?" Bloom asked surprised as the trio walked down the hallways towards the assembly.

"And Dowling said he left for a family emergency" Aisha said, concern laced within her tone "So that means"

"Oh their lying" Jinx proclaimed "Lying 100% with a cherry on top. Such a shocker to us all right now"

"You sure she didn't shred those old records?" Bloom asked.

"Bloom that office is a paper den" Jinx says "Just ask Aisha, she was in stack heaven..its most likely somewhere..else.."

Jinx trails off looking at Bloom who was staring at another hallway. Aisha and Jinx looked at one another.

"You're totally going to ditch," Jinx said as Bloom turned around to them fully. Her face mixed with curiosity and a tad bit of guilt "Aren't you?"

"Bloom" Aisha warned a little bit concern on her getting in trouble "This is a mandatory assembly"

"I can't just..sit there especially with all those rumors and gossip around me for a few hours.." Bloom admitted "Especially with me not being sure about..myself"

Jinx takes a deep breath as Bloom continues

"I..I need answers..I'll be careful I promise"

Jinx blinked for a moment before skipping to her with a smile on her face.

"Ohhh your so not snooping around without me" she says "Besides extra hands equals less time"

Bloom smiles a little and looks at Aisha who sighs knowing she's in a lost battle.

"Don't get caught" she warned, making Jinx beam before Bloom takes her hand and two girls were off to look for hidden Alfea secrets.


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