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As you walked into a building called freddy fazebear pizza you needed a job so you where hoping on going out there hired because you had seen a flyer about them needing help because they where understaffed. You walked in and saw a worker as you asked for where you could get interviewed for working there they had brought you to Henry Emilys office. There you knocked on the door and got an answer to come in by what you think was Henry. As you opened the door you saw william Afton talking to henry. Now you thought about there names because when you heard Henry Emily you felt like you've heard the name before. As you looked at them you knew darn well who Henry was. You greeted them and told them your name. "Hello my name is ___ i would like to maybe have an interview since i saw your flyer" you heard  the man to your right  say sit down and you did.

As you had henry to your left and the man who you felt like you've seen before but can't place your finger on who it was to your right. They started by introducing themself. "You already know my name by probably hearing it by (some random name) but its Henry. Henry Emily" you heard henry say. The man to your right in front of you had said "Hello. My name is William afton but you may call me Mr. Afton." So it was william afton. As you where talking about how you wanted the job and all the stuff you talk about in interviews you had heard the " your hired, When can you start?" by henry.

You where in complete shock since you had barely even said a word about how you are with animatronics. You looked up at them and realized william had been staring at you the whole time you where talking. " umm i guess right now since i hav-" you where cut off by william " Great, Now let ME give you a tour of the place". So he did. You got your uniform on and worked your ass off while you dealt with kids. The kids and the parents started to leave but there was one parent who seemed to be freaking out about something. They ran up to you and had said " HAVE YOU SEEN MY KID WE NEED TO GET GOING BUT I CAN'T FIND THEM" you helped look but nothing as you had to make them go you told them you would call if you found them. William called you into his office..

So like this is my first story so im sorry about it being bad but ill get better. MAYBE.

Stay tuned for the next chapter because my hands hurt so deal with it 😡

Ive wanted to write a story and i even wrote a smut about willy and you while in school and no one said anything anyways
English is not my first language so im sorry if this spelling sucks. BYEEE

- Kasy
510 words so yeah.

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