Knowing the Truth

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3rd Person POV

Lisa was still blushing and Jennie was also blushing. "Jennie? Why are you blushing also?" Rosé asked with confusion. Lisa and Jennie looked at each other and Jennie just nodded at her signaling her to tell them about her condition.

"I have a male genital instead of a female genital. I was born an intersex. I know you might not like me anymore after knowing the truth-" before Lisa could say anything else Jisoo and Rosé hugged her. "Of course we are not disgusted with you Lisa. It's not your fault that you we're born that way." Both Jisoo and Rosé spoke. Lisa thanked them again for accepting her condition.

"And don't worry, Babe here also got a cock." Rosé said and went and grabbed and rubbed Jisoo's clothed cock. "HOLY FUCK CHIPMUNK GET A FUCKING ROOM" Jennie yelled and all of them laughed. They all went to the living room and did some girls stuff. They really got comfortable with each other within hours.

They also finished 4 bottles of wine. But Lisa did not drink that much because she's not used to it. It's already 1 am and the 3 we're drunk. But surprisingly Jennie was still a bit om her senses. Jisoo and Rosé went to their room, yes both of them have a room in Jennie's house, but Lisa carried Jennie to her room and just placed her on the bed.

Lisa couldn't help but to stare at Jennie's beautiful and gorgeous face.

Lisa POV

I carried Jennie to her room and placed her on the bed. She was already sleeping and she looked like a cute angel sleeping. I couldn't help but to stare at her. I wanted to kiss those lips. How would it taste like on mine? I said to myself. My eyes travelled her body and god she had a curvy body. Not big boobs but not small, just perfect. And her ass a while ago, oh shit it looks so good. And her legs, holy fuck her skin is so milky. I was getting a hard on already so I stopped my nonsense.

"Thank you for bringing me her, even tho I had hurt you before. I couldn't be with you because I was afraid you will be disgusted with my condition and leave me. I also liked you, cut that shit out, I still like you but I don't know if you still like me." I said whispering. I kissed her forehead softly and Jennie moved to her side and thats my cue to go back to my room.

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