A new start

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(there are hints of trauma, abuse - so that's you're trigger warning- please go to a different chapter if this will upset you, but please if you ever have recommendations for my stories- let me know! ) 

It was like the world was crumbling apart- and it was still cruel. I came back to my house believing in a new start- believing that the world would someday change for the better of me- but it never did. I just crumbled in a corner of the basement while hiding- unable to shake the paint hat resides in my wrists and my back. Unrelentlessly I let my family down. I never wanted to hurt them- yet every time I return home I get in trouble. But i get in trouble when I stay over to a friends house. I should be free and independent- but with this toxic family it's nothing but a terrible nightmare playing over, and over again. 

Hot tears streamed down my face as I wondered if anyone in the town knew how awful my family really was to me- as an only child I shouldn't be getting hurt for every little problem. But that had always triggered me to think negatively. I'm the problem, right? 

There was loud clamor upstairs, but I paid it no mind until the sound of multiple footsteps had paved the way into the house- and they started saying my name. I had quieted down to try and focus on who was trying to look for me- fear in my heart sputtering when I thought it was my parents. I Just hid inside of my closet with a new fear igniting, curling into a ball, and started sobbing. 

I heard the sound of the large china cabinet that blocked me from leaving the basement get picked up and thrown- No one in the familia is strong, not THAT strong. That thing weighs so much- my parents struggle every time to move it just a smidge. But I just kept trying to wipe away the tears but hissed when finally remembering the new stinging of extremely splintered paddle hitting my hand. 

I heard a soft voice stop the familia from their tracks. I looked up from the closet to peek into the crack. "She's in the closet," I heard a familiar voice say. I saw Abuela enter the room and my eyes started pouring out- there was no way they had just broke into my house to find me. Not a chance. But I saw her son Bruno to stop her in her tracks- and he knocked on my closet door, leaving just him and I inside of my room. I just closed the door sharply feeling a sob escape my throat. "Please....this isn't the house you deserve to live in," I've known the Madrigals for years- but my family hid their abuse for years as well. "(y/n).....please let me in," I heard Bruno asked softly. I just slowly grabbed the door knob but I felt a hand snatch my wrist and I tensed up expecting a parent to throw me, but I was pulled into a very tight hug with Bruno. It took me by surprise, and I slowly hugged back while sobbing uncontrollably- fear finally wavering off for a moment. "t-t-thank you....Bruno," I managed while holding him tighter but hissed in pain while feeling his hands try to rub my back. He pulled off of me and gave me this look of dread. HE took my hands and looked at my arms then registered the tears in my outfit. The bruises on my face. All of the things they've tried. But worst he tried to trace my neck but it hurt the most- the hands gripping my neck were so strong they had managed to rub me raw. He seemed to grow angry- as the sound of parents arguing came into view as Luiza was probably upstairs holding them up. "Abuela!" Bruno said rather loudly. I shrinked away and he hissed. "i'm sorry! sorry...sorry," he repeated while trying to rub comforting circles into my back. I still let tears stream down my cheeks, but I leaned onto Bruno for protection. She came in and that's when a new color of Bruno shocked me. Practically the rest of the madrigal family was in my basement. "Who does this to a person? ESPECIALLY one as wonderful as (y/n)?" Bruno asked, anger laced in each work accept when saying my name. It was almost like a trace when he says my name. 

Abuela had let out a worried glance. "Please, (y'n). Let us take you home- we can make sure you're apart of the familia....as a town- I cannot allow then to stay here....and I really hope you decide to stay with us in casita." I stared at her in shock then nodded while feeling Bruno just hug me softly leaning his head on top of mine. "We have always like you, you've been a wonderful exposure to the town- yet this is the type of treatment you get?" Maribel asked. I nodded. "oi- Augustin!" I saw the tall father suddenly take off up the stairs and Felix chased after him. I just held Bruno tighter, finding the most comfort from him. "Let's go home," Bruno said. I nodded as Abuela had made sure to gather what little important things I had in this basement room of mine- and Bruno didn't want the public to seem me in this state of mind- so he took a b-line to the forest. 

He was quiet but looked over me with sad eyes. "How....long have they been this physical?" He asked super softly- I almost didn't catch it. "Years....it seems the older I get- the more acceptable....i-it is to hurt their child," He made me sit down by a tree and lean on it. I gave him a confused look. "Y-you seemed outta breath," He said while sitting down next to me, but facing directly to me. I tried calming down my heart. "H-h-how did ya'll find out?" I asked. He frowning. "Dolores finally tried listening to the family and heard it....all of it," He said with pity in his eyes. I just grabbed his hand. I've always had a thing for Bruno....he was just kinda the outcast like me- but he was so much more to me. He was the man who could see futures, the man who could try and ease peoples minds. I could have never predicted this in my whole life. 

"(y/n)....I-i think it's best if you stayed in my room....no one will ever hurt you or try to mess with you up there- and I've....I've got lots of animals up there- heh, free entertainment?" I giggled while wiping away my tears and smiled softly at him. He just cupped my cheeks. "see, that's what I should see on you- that beautiful smile of yours," He said. I felt my face go red while looking up at him. "B-bruno?" I asked while staring into his beautiful brown orbs. "Yes?" He asked like he was hoping for something. I smiled softly. "I-i think I might be in love with m savior," He kinda fumbled with the idea of leaving or staying, the way his eyes shifted and he got nervous- but how red his cheeks got told me everything. "I-i....think. I'm not a savior, but....I believe I'm in love with you too," i felt like I was in a daydream. I felt him slowly guide my head forward as we locked lips. It was electric- and warm. Like a kindling fire that was just reborn. we both pulled away and all that did was leave us both grinning. "I-i think we should head home," I nodded while seeing my family's things being forced onto a donkey our family owned. "I-i think so too," i said with a smile. The way he guided me softly into his arms, making sure I didn't fall. 

Once in the house Casita had seemed excited, showing happiness that i showed up. "calm down Casita- she is living with us now- not visiting," His shuttered seemed to mimic clapping and enjoyment- and I laughed as both bruno and I were quickly let all the way up Bruno's door which opened in front of us, I looked at the sand in front of us- and I just felt it in my fingertips, I felt at ease. this is Bruno's room. "Here," he said while pulling me to the edge. "Do you trust me?" I hesitated at first. This is Bruno....he saved me. "I do," we both slid through the sand and I laughed the whole way like it was a slide. Then off to the side seemed to be a long staircase- accept it wasn't large like Mirabel explained. "Casita decided I get a small staircase to my vision cave than last time," I chuckled. "Man- that's still insane to see in person," i said while looking up at him. he seemed like he was lost- staring in m direction. He just smiled warmly at me. "Come- let's go," he said while pulling me into his room- and immediately four rats crawled onto me, sniffing then all decided to snuggle onto me when I cupped my arms together. i felt like I was on fire being in bruno's room together. He smiled as. there was a sudden empanada on the table in front of us. I looked behind and i saw Julieta immediately scamper away from the door. I looked at him confused and he smiled picking it up. "Just open up," I flushed but took a bite and saw all of the marks, and the pain suddenly releasing from my body. I let out a much needed sight while cracking my neck and knuckles and smile brighter, joy. This was pure utter joy. I had set the rats down and tackled him in a tight hug while laughing happily. He smiled bright while picking me up and in a hug and kissed my forehead. He went kinda akward for a moment. "I-i...do you need a nap? I think we need a nap, maybe, maybe it's an excuse to cuddle, maybe just to see you're face, and that smile," He was rambling and I was just flustered. But I smiled nonetheless while letting him guide us to his bed, and I held him close in a hug as he drape a blanket over us. He thumbed the eye-bags i had and smiled. "I guess we both can get rid of these," He said while messing with his own eye-bags. I nodded while nuzzling into his arms. He seemed to let out a sigh as he rubbed my back. "I love you bruno," I said softly. "I love you too, mi amour," he said while giving me a peck on the lips as I passed out in his arms, like a warm teddy bear. 

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