Chapter I - Let One Down

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Never did Takemichi Hanagaki, in his twenty-six years of living, imagine that such a horrific present would come about. Although he already knew it wasn't gonna be as he anticipated, due to his recent failures of the past, he was caught off guard by everything he had expected the least.

That including the deaths of his beloved friends, Chifuyu Matsuno and (Y/n) (L/n).

As well as his near death-experience.

Emphasis on the near.

'Where is this?!' Regaining consciousness was the time leaper himself, searching around his new surroundings. From what he can assume, he was underneath a bridge.

Takemichi tries to stand up, but fails to do so. "Ow, fuck!" He looks down at the woundthat had whelmed his right thigh, covered in a white cloth. He remembers vividly that it was (Y/n)'s doing. 'That's right. I blacked out from the pain.'

"I gave you some first aid." Takemichi follows his gaze to the direction that the random, yet familiar, voice came from. He could only see their back, but noticed that they had long black hair, somewhat similar to Baji's. Scratch that, more like insanely similar to Baji's.

"Baji-kun?" Takemichi says subconsciously.

The person that had supposedly saved Takemichi tilts his head, looking at him dead in the eye. This gave the time leaper a much better glimpse of his appearance.

'No.' Takemichi recognizes his facial looks, on the spot. "Kazutora-kun?" His jaw drops.

Kazutora doesn't say anything. He just stares at Takemichi.

'Oh, yeah...' Takemichi realizes. 'Twelve years have passed; So he got released.' He manages to say. "It's been a long time..." He's not even aware that he's standing up.

Rather than responding, Kazutora punches Takemichi. Right across the face.

Takemichi is taken aback by the sudden action. "Kazutora-kun—" Saying this only got him another sucker punch.

Kazutora then kicks Takemichi on the stomach, exerting enough strength to throw him off his balance and crash back onto the dirt.

For the next few minutes, Kazutora beats down Takemichi, as though he had a resentment of some kind.

"Recently I saw some guys beating a woman on the street, just like this." Kazutora eventually stops. "When I jumped in to stop them...the guys beating her...were members of Toman." He furrows his eyebrows together as he asks Takemichi. "When did Toman become a woman-beating organization?"

Takemichi would answer if he could. If he knew the answer himself, that is.

"I don't...give a shit about you." Kazutora says flat out. "I wanted..." He resists from breaking down and gazes at the river stream in front of him. "—to save Chifuyu and (Y/n)."

Takemichi depicts Kazutora's intentions, here and now, as good. There wasn't a single thing that he can determine as any sort of deception or manipulation.

Because indeed, Kazutora's only motivation in breaking into Toman's facility was to rescue Chifuyu and (Y/n). The same ones that had helped him, and gave him a chance.

Perhaps redemption was a portion of it as well, but Kazutora truly cared for them. Words alone just can't describe it.


It was the day that Kazutora was getting released from prison. A day he had never seen to come.

Not long after Kazutora had left the detention center, a black car parks at the front. The driver reveals himself by rolling down the window.

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