•Chapter 3•

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Unlike the first time he was scanned, he didn't feel excited or happy. With each second that passed, he could practically see himself drifting further away from what he used to call his family. Family didn't do these things to one another.

Zayn smirked at the obvious disgust Louis held for his new car while Liam just laughed outright.

He walked over to the car and touched the bonnet. He didn't feel the familiar electrical charge he normally would get from touching his bike.

"Louis you need to name your car" Simon said softly, touching his shoulder.

Louis looked over his shoulder back at Simon.

He saw understanding in his eyes.

He lowered his back to the ugly lifeless car in question and breathed


Harry snorted. "Whatever Louis"

Louis felt his chest constrict, though it had nothing to do with his ribs this time.

Zayn, Liam and Harry all left, seemingly bored with the scene which left Simon and Louis together, standing by Pain.

"Louis, I understand you're upset about all of this, but the band really seem to think it's for the best" he said softly, running a comforting hand down his pink and white streaked back.

"What about you, Simon? Do you think it's for the best?" he said, not meeting his eyes.

Simon was silent for a moment. "In some ways, it is safer for you, but it is obvious to me that you need time to adjust. And it is clear you are unhappy with the arrangement Louis."

Louis nodded absently, deciding that now would be the best opportunity to inform Simon on his suspicions of his 'band mates'.

"Simon, have you noticed how weird everyone has been acting? Everyone is so angry"

Simon stopped rubbing Louis' back.

"I have sensed a lot of tension running between everyone. Although, I thought it perhaps had to do with you changing vehicles."

"It started ever since I got back from the concert. When I did a double take on the bike"

Simon nodded.

"And another thing, whenever anyone on the team touches me, I get this really painful shock and their anger gets worse. What does it all mean?" Louis said.

Now that he was voicing his thoughts aloud, he felt some weight lift from his shoulders. It felt good telling Simon. He would know what to do.

Simon was silent for a moment.

"Perhaps we need to do another round of tests on you in case you brought home some unwanted virus. You say that contact with the band hurts, yet you felt no pain when we were touching a moment ago? Perhaps I am immune from whatever you may possibly be carrying.

"Sorry Zoom, the tests will have to wait, you've got a rehearsal" Simon informed


"Okay everyone, keep together and let's make this a quick one" Harry announced as they all got on there bikes to practice

Louis rolled his eyes, finding it very hard to take orders from Harry at the moment. Never the less, he did as was told and kept close to the others.

As bad of a mood Louis was in, he couldn't help the exciting rush

Just at the base of the routine and Liam's purple bike swerved dangerously close to his.

Letting out an exclamation in surprise, Louis swerved away in response, almost hitting Zayn.

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