The Night We Met pt.1

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   After a long wait in line I managed to get into the stadium.  It's been three years since I've been trying to get tickets to see him, but I finally managed to get my hands on them.   I was so nervous to actually see him.  Because of how late I got the tickets, they were practically as far back as it could get...It's not like he'd ever see me anyway.    I walked over to my seat and looked around, most, if not everyone else, was significantly older than me- though that wasn't surprisingly.  I sat down and started eating my chips while I waited for the show to start.  When I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I looked up and saw it was one of Billy's roadies standing there. I stared in disbelief.  "Would you like to come sit up front?" my started beating faster. Of course I said yes without hesitation.  I've been secretly hoping this would happen ever since I was able to get the tickets.  I couldn't believe I was about to be so close to him.

    I got up, barely holding in my excitement , and start walking to the front.  As the management began escorting me, I questioned every few feet wether they were gonna stop moving, and lead me to my seat.  Minutes went by, and we got closer and closer, so close I could see the entrance to the backstage. Then they stopped moving, and took a sharp left turn.  Once they lead me to my new seat, I sat down. I was so close to the stage, I could touch it.  I realized that from the position I was seated in, I'd be right in front of the piano- and I'd be able to see him very well.  I decided to get up and start walking to the bathroom so I could fix my hair as it was really messy from the growing wind.  The thought of Billy possibly seeing me was all I could think about, as I got so distracted and ran into a body much taller than mine.  I looked up, and saw Billy was the person I tripped into.              "I am so so sorry.." I began to panic, speaking through heavy breaths, "I wasn't looking where I was going, and I-". "No it's okay dear, I was distracted too. Here, let me help you up."

     He reached out his hand, and I took it, getting up slowly.  He was wearing a navy blue suit, looked gorgeous as ever. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, it's just an instinct", Billy said in reflection of his past words.  "No it's okay, I appreciate it.. and you don't look too bad yourself." I said, feeling bolder than ever.  "Well aren't you just a sweetheart.." he said with a growing smirk.  He was then cut off by his manager, calling for him to get backstage immediately.  "Hey, I've gotta go, but I hope to catch you later." He smiled at me again, and began walking away.  I stood there blushing like an idiot, and internally freaked out for awhile, before making my way back to my seat.

    A few minutes passed and the crowd  started roaring as Billy walked on stage, and sat at his piano.  The minute he sat down, he began scanning the audience, before he stopped, and looked at me with a smile.  I couldn't stop to comprehend what was happening to me. I prayed I'd be able to get another moment alone, with him. The crowed began again as Billy opened with Captain Jack, giving me something else to focus on.

   Two hours passed, and the show was just raping up.  Billy occasionally glanced over at me, and gave me a humble smile. Then I realized no more would happen after me walked off that stage.  I was just a lucky fan, who got to watch him for a few hours, and have a few minuets of his time.
  I stood up, collecting my things, and began to exit the arena.  I stopped in my tracks to pull out my phone to call a cab, when I became overwhelmed by the sounds of screams.  Right then, I felt a light tapping on my shoulder.  It was Billy again, followed by crazy fans, and security trying to see what the hell he's doing.

    He tried talking to me, but I couldn't hear anything over the noise of his fans trying to take pictures, get autographs, or just get a second of his time.  He instinctively grabbed my hand, and started walking me out through the crowd. Security followed.  He opened the door with big red words reading "DO NOT ENTER, CONCERT STAFF ONLY".  "Sorry that I grabbed you...I didn't know how else to get your attention before you ran off.  I know I just met you, and usually it's roles reversed, but I was wondering if I could get your number...if that's alright?"   I stood in a silence of shock.  "Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound creepy-" he began before I cut him off.  "No- no, please. I'm sorry, my bad. I just kind of blanked." I said trying to collect my thoughts.  I couldn't believe this was real.  I grabbed his hand boldly, and pulled out a pen. I wrote my number on it.  He looked down at me while writing and smirked.
"My names Alexis by the way."
"You can call me William."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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