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The next morning, I woke up feeling like I was still dreaming.

I have powers. What does this mean for my life now? Do I get to be a superhero like my dad? Do I even want to be one? I feel safer and more vulnerable at the same time. I have to tell my family...

Or maybe I don't. Ever since Jordan got his powers, it's been new rules and less freedom. I'm a straight-A student and am on track to play soccer well into college. Jordan had to quit football, would I have to quit soccer? Would I have to miss school like Jordan? I like school. Let's also not forget how many times he's been beat up since he got powers.

I eventually decide that I don't need to make a decision. Not right now, at least. So what if I'm a little stronger? No one will know.

Over the next few weeks, I spent my early mornings training in the barn.  I was careful to sneak out and back in silently before anyone else woke up. I drank plenty of coffee. I put on makeup to hide the dark circles. No one knew. It was invigorating. My little secret. I felt so... strong. Then again, I'm so tired of punching a tree stump. My powers were meant for good. I should be out there fighting crime and doing cool things, not worrying about splinters. I felt this power high every morning I snuck back in from the barn. This feeling that I could do anything I wanted. I felt invincible.

       *            *            *            *            *            *

"Did you hear about metropolis stealing our mascot?!"  Jon ran down the stairs for dinner in a rage.

He was met with a table of confusion when he walked through the kitchen threshold.

Answering our unasked question, Jon elaborated, "Some guys from the team just told me metropolis stole our mascot costume.  So we won't have it for our game next week."

"Where did they put it?" Jordan tried to seem casual, but I know he only asked because he wants to steal it back.

"I don't know.  I know the guys are planning something though.  We can't just let them get away with this."  Jon replied, and Jordan immediately nodded in agreement.

"Oh, no.  Boys, listen to me," my mom was quick to interject, "Neither one of you are to partake in this prank war."

This time my dad nodded his agreement, "Settle this on the field.  Costumes can be replaced, we aren't sinking to their level."

My brothers both sighed and grumbled, "okay."

The gears in my head started turning.  My brothers were forbidden from retaliating, but I wasn't.

       *            *            *            *            *            *

I hadn't thought this through completely.  I knew I could sneak out, as I had many times over the past few weeks.  I knew Ashley had enough Uber Rewards to get me to and from Metropolis. However, I did not know what I was going to do once I got out here.

I searched everywhere for our mascot only to come up empty. Now it was our move. Trashing the place seemed too predictable. Taking equipment would probably be investigated too thoroughly. I've got it.

The huge bumblebee statue out front. That thing weighs at least 500 pounds.

I crouched down next to the statue, carefully picking it up. I carried it beside the school and onto the football field, where I gave it a new home in the center of the field.

Let's see how well they do when their home game gets relocated to Smallville.

The Uber driver tried to make small talk on the way home, but I quickly shut it down. I was too tired for chit chat. I finally felt like my adrenaline rush met it's match. The tree stump wasn't enough for me anymore. I need to find more challenging ways to practice my new power.

I had the Uber driver stop a couple of blocks away and walked the rest of the way home. I didn't want to risk waking my dad up with the car. I glanced at my phone. 6:22 AM. It was already much later than I would usually go inside from the barn.

I carefully turned the doorknob and tiptoed inside as I had so many times over the past few weeks.

"Natalie?" My dad's voice made me jump, my heart racing.

"Dad!  Hey. You scared me," I said as I lowered my hood off of my head.

"Where have you been?" My dad was confused, but didn't seem angry.

"I was just out for a run. I woke up feeling restless so I decided to go running." Sounds plausible, right?

My dad dad blinked a couple times, thinking. "Okay, well next time don't leave the house without telling someone. I know my brother is locked away, but that doesn't mean there aren't things to worry about. We need to know where you are."

"Yes, dad!" I replied as I rushed upstairs to shower. I'm not a good liar. I needed to get out of there before I made it obvious I was uncomfortable.

       *            *            *            *            *            *

Over the weekend, my brothers kept talking about how we one-upped Metropolis and the game was going to be here in Smallville now that their field had to be repaired.

I wanted to take credit so bad, but I kept quiet. It wasn't worth my family finding out about my super strength.

I decided to lay low for awhile, blend in as much as I could. I didn't want another close call with my dad catching me anytime soon.

Maybe I should try and just focus on being a normal teenager for now.

What's the worst that could happen?

Natalie KentWhere stories live. Discover now