rui x reder

260 5 9

oen day yn/ decided to go se a performeance of a guy naemed "ru kamirh" he loked like an itneresting man so they went to se what his perfomecn would be leik

at the performanc they saw the purple bubble gummed haired boy come onto the stage and y/n quietyl scremed when they sawe rui wonk (wink) 

after the shiw rui asked y/n to stay beihnd !/!?!!?!?!?

"hey baby gru i saw u screm"

y/en bluses "u-u-u-u-u-u-um.."

"wanen get maried?"

"OH M GEE YESO FC ILY!!1!1!!!!1!"

and then they got arried you getbb 4 kids and 3 cats

that one pjsekai fanfic with bad spellingWhere stories live. Discover now