Chapter 1-The Day It Happened

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Tobey was never one to be very sociable with most students. Whether he wanted to or not, most people didn't know. However there was one person he had started to socialize and even be friendly with. Of course, it was none other than Becky Botsford.
Originally they had been rivals and even annoyances to each other, but the past few months caused them to become closer. Maybe not fully friends yet, but they'd say hi every morning and even chat with each other before Violet and Scoops got to class.
Today was just like one of those days. Both Tobey and Becky were good students (grade wise) and often came to class earlier than the rest.
"Good morning, Tobey!"
"Morning, Becky. How has your morning been so far?"
Becky slightly shook her head before replying. "I'm crazy tired, I stayed up until almost 12 last night!"
Tobey's eyes widened a bit. Staying up that late? And Becky of all people staying up that late? It clearly peaked his curiosity.
"Why would you do that? Was there some project I missed?"
"You're close, but it's not a project. The math homework from last night was a little confusing for me. I stayed up all night watching videos and figuring it out! Worst part is I'm still not sure if I even got it right!"
Tobey chuckled before replying with "Well Botsford you could easily ask me! I swear my brain isn't full of robut junk, there's some math knowledge in there as well! Wait now that I think about it, that could also be robut junk. Tobey replied jokingly.
Tobey doesn't attempt to make jokes often, since they usually end with people thinking he's a nerd or just not getting it. However, This joke was very different.
This was the joke that Tobey had just let come from his mind without thinking too hard. This was also the joke that would heavily change his future.
Becky laughed for quite a bit, enough to get to teacher to glance up and see what was happening before looking back down again.
"You can be pretty funny sometimes, you know that, Tobey?"
Tobey was not paying attention anymore. He was more focused on her laugh. It was from the heart, a genuine laugh that she had just let out because of HIS joke! Something no one had ever given Tobey the chance to experience.
This had caused him to freeze. Eyes wide and mouth slightly open. Looking practically like a deer in headlights! The red on his cheeks and ears were very noticeable to him,but were hidden from Becky because of his glasses.
"Earth to Tobey? You sure your brain isn't full of robots?" Becky said with a slight chuckle.
"Oh uhm! Apologies, I must've blanked for a second! You were saying?"
He coughed into his fist and straightened his glasses to show he was actually listening. He had already heard her question though, so why was he listening again? Why did he enjoy listening to her ramble and laugh? Why did he enjoy seeing her smile and face everyday? Why did he like Becky?
Wait no.
Could it really be? Was it true that he had liked her? More than just a friend (if they even were that close yet).
How did he go from being a rival to her to being interested in her.
This sudden news caused him to panic, and when he panics he lies.
"I truly apologize but I must get to the office! I forgot my second pair of glasses and I need to get them!"
"Oh really? You want me to come with you?" Becky asked, a little confused by his sudden burst of emotion.
"Nope I'm good! Thank you a bunch Becky I appreciate your time!"
He exited the room, but not to where he said he would. Instead he ran out to his locker down the hall and stood there to catch his breath.
After calming down he processed the situation. His face was red but that must've been because he was mad right? But he didn't feel mad. He wasn't mad at all with Becky. In fact he was quite happy, he has been for the past month or two. Was that because of...her?
"No of course not. That cant be possible!" Tobey had said that last part a bit too loud. He realized that as soon as a teacher came out of their classroom and scolded him for yelling in the morning, but to Tobey this predicament was worth yelling about.
Looking at the clock above his locker, he realized it had been way too long to just get another pair of glasses. He rushed back to the classroom, not mentioning the glasses or anything to Becky when he got back.


The school day was over now and Tobey was in his room still pondering about the morning. Why did he blush? because of Becky? It couldn't make sense. it wouldn't make sense!
He sighed. "I won't be able to figure this one out alone. FRBF come here please."
A shuffle came from his closet, followed by some clunking and a bright light. Soon a robotic hand slid open the door and rolled out.
This was one of Tobey's first robots. He had made FRBF (First Real Bot Friend) as a child when his father was still around, though that wasn't the main reason he loved it so much. Somehow he was able to get along and relate more with his robot than any person he had met at the time. These memories easily made FRBF his personal favorite robot. (Don't tell his other robots that though)
"FRBF, could I ask a question?"
The robot just replied with a nod. Being a child when he made it, Tobey didn't add any voice features to it.
"Hypothetically, imagine you have been hanging out with this girl you used to despise but are now friends with. I think friends. Whatever. So one day you are talking and you make an incredibly funny joke. Obviously she'd laugh but when she laughs you turn red and you feel sorta...fuzzy? What do you call that experience FRBF?"
FRBF stood still for a second. Looking at its surroundings before rolling toward Tobey's board. It ripped some red paper from a stack next to the board and took some tape from the corner. It brought the items to the floor and started to form
"Is that supposed to be...a heart? Not a scientifically accurate one of course but to you it seems it's a heart."
The bot nodded and pushed it toward Tobey.
"What? Why are you giving me this?"
The bot pointed to its chest and made an up and down movement.
"Of course my heart was beating, I wouldn't be able to live otherwise!"
The bot looked down and shook its head before taking a small piece of the red paper and making an even smaller heart and placing it in front of a robot that was currently being worked on.
"No FRBF robuts do not have hearts. Could you answer my question now?"
Finally FRBF had lost its patience (somehow) and took a picture of Becky down from his "Becky = WordGirl Board". It placed the image on a wall and cut a piece of yellow paper. placing it on its head before rolling and slamming its head on the image.
"FRBF?! Are you okay?! If I weren't the smartest person in the world I would think you were kiss...kissing...wait a moment."
Tobey paused. Looked back at FRBF, and then paused again. Repeating this cycle until he suddenly had a realization
"Oh my god."
"I really do have a crush on her."

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