My One And Only

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It was a cold breezy morning of July when I first saw him. He is the most beautiful guy that I have ever seen in my years of  existence.

He walks clutching his hands tightly, trying to squish his way through the crowd and avoiding any unimportant interaction with anyone.

It wasn't the first time, nor the second or the third time that I secretly watch his every move while squealing inside  thinking  "how a person can be this adorable".

"If I were you, I would shoot my shot and confessed to him"  - Jeno, a friend of mine said while placing his hands on my shoulder.

"You know I can't, what if I scare him off ?- that would be worse." -

"Besides, i'm sure my existence is unknown to him." I said with a half smile.

" Then let it be known!" - he retorted.

"Its been 2 years dude- ,"  Don't you want to end that "what if" thoughts of yours?" - he said while shaking me lightly.

" Besides, if it didn't work out, atleast you tried" -  he continued. 

I think deeply of his words.

This is the last year before we graduated and move for college.

Possibly, the last few months that I would have the chance to see those alluring eyes every single day.

The next day I watch him like I always do.

Though today, I would do something I haven't tried doing.

I would finally approach the guy I've been simping for.

He was in his usual spot, chilling in the branch of the narra tree that provided shade from the burning sun.

Uhmm... Hi...  - I slightly wave while looking up in his direction.

He lowered down his book slightly and looked at me weirdly while pointing his hand toward himself.

" Hello?" he responded with visible questioning tone.

" Uhmm... do you have a moment?", "I'm Jaemin... Na Jaemin." - I said with a smile

He slowly got down from the branch and stood across me while extending his right hand.

" Huang Renjun"

I shake his hands and I can't help but to feel the warmth of it.

"So...? What's up?"

"Uhmm... ilikeyoucanyoubemyboyfried? - I said nervously and without a pause.

" Woah... slow down, can you repeat that slowly." he said laughing slighty

I stared in his eyes and held his hand .

" I like you Renjun, at first I thought it was just a simple crush, a feeling that would go away eventually but everyday, as you exist in my own world, I fall for you more deeply, I don't know if its because how you smile when your having your moments with your book, or maybe how you like helping everyone eventhough you struggle in mathematics too. " I chuckled 

"I know, that this is sudden, you probably don't even know who the fuck I am, but if you let me, I would do anything just to make you feel the love that I'm feeling from you."

He just stared at me.

" I mean, you can decline, its fine, I'm sorry for disturbing you, BYE!"

I hurriedly spoke while turning my body , ready to leave the place."

"You're not that lowkey you know", he said while laughing which made me look at him again.

"What do you mean?" I ask confusely

"Staring at me from across the field, going to the library without even reading anything. HIDING, in the bushes waiting for me to  leave the campus.  and the loud whisper between your friends whenever we passed each other in the corridor." he listed

"Yeah, you're definetly very lowkey". he said sarcastically.

" Those fuckers" I silently whispered

" I guess, I wasn't that lowkey, HAHA." I said awkwardly

" I mean, we should thank your friends for that, if it weren't for their loud whispering I would'nt be curious about you either way".

I smiled.

I can't help it.

Especially when he's being this adorable.

We just stared at each other, getting comfortable with each others presence.

Letting the wind brush through our skin while smiling and  looking deeply at each others eyes.

" I like you Injunnie , can you co author my life, and write our love story, a happy ending?" I asked while still looking at him deeply.

"Yes, Nana. I do." he answered with a  smile.

I smiled, remembering the day that I took the risk and call him mine.

While looking at him, I spoke softly.

" I love you baby,  I really do. From the first time I laid my eyes on you and the last time you look at me."

" I bet your missing our late night walks, don't you?

I said still smiling while looking down at  him.

The wind howled in my place and brush through my skin.

The cold breeze gave me chills but theres also an unexplainable warmth that touched my cheeks.

" You know, you're unfair, you kept stealing kisses from me, you should be in jail.",  I chuckled a bit.

" Yea, I know its corny, but I know you love it when I said those things."

I paused a little and glanced down at him. Staring  at his grave.

"I- I should've done more... -

If I know that w-would be our l-last n-night... -

I could've kiss you more, hug you m-more and confess my love over, and over until you get tired of it. "-

I s-should've p-pick you up rather than letting y-you go home a-alone. M-maybe, we could s-still be t-together, m-maybe, you would'nt be there when that d-drunktard lose his break and crash to that taxi."- I continued while holding back my sob.

"I know you don't like it when I'm sad, but I just miss you so much, I missed you EVERY. SINGLE.  DAY".

I said letting my tears flow while clutching my chest.

The pain is still unbearable.

"Happy 10th Anniversary love, its been 4 years since you left.

Don't worry, you're still my co author.

"I would wait no matter how long...", until we find our right dimension of reality, where you and I are happy together.

A reality where you won't have to say goodbye .

There, we can continue writing our love story and there, we would finally have our happy ending."


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