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A/N This is a collaboration between giakfanfiqs and Dragon_Kitara


The instructions now disappeared, leaving Ezra marveling whether the game got stuck again but all thoughts rushed out like a bullet train from her mind the moment she blinked and witnessed the sudden change in her surroundings. Ezra could only see about an arm's length around her and further than that was pitch black.

It was unusual because it couldn't be a power cut-off or anything. After all, they had an inverter at their home so power cut-offs were very odd, especially at times like these.

Just as her mind began to spin with random possibilities of her falling asleep, the hard ground beneath her feet began to shake. Ezra braced her legs firmly, abstaining to lose her balance as the tremors got more fierce. She almost crouched down to cover her head when it struck her mind that it could possibly be an earthquake, but then suddenly the pitch black in her vicinity disappeared and things began looking clearer to her.

Ezra glanced up, ready to start moving and find a place to secure herself when she found a tall building, looming ahead of her. The very top seemed to touch the dark gray clouds that added an eerily feel to it. Its lights were all off but with the help of the moon's light, Ezra could make out a lot of details though the moonlight was very faint.

It was very odd, she was in her room just a moment ago and now she was standing in front of an unknown, stranded building having a negligible source of light helping her vision when the moonlight wasn't enough for her to even look at her shoes.

A worn-out sign stood crookedly beside Ezra as she darted her gaze on it. Big bold prints read "Death Asylum" and were greased with a dark brown element that was parched and powdery. She traced her fingers along the bold letters and rubbed the dark brown element between her fingers before placing it near her nose to smell them.

It was dry blood she concluded, because of the peculiar metallic scent of the element that she just touched. Once the tremors subsided, Ezra took a step ahead of the sign, towards the large stranded building, her mind running endless laps.

She could hear her own heartbeat pounding in her eardrums and the adrenaline rushing through her veins, and just as she was about to take another step to the front, a hologram notification popped up in front of her, almost startling her.

[Congratulations on participating in the beta version of our latest, "Death Asylum". Please proceed to continue forward and find the entrance to the mental hospital! This is the first level, your goal is to find the key that will unlock the door of the first patient. Remember, you have infinite lives.

Happy playing!]

Ezra stood in her spot for a few silent minutes, getting her breathing in order before she decided to move onwards as she strived to digest the fact that she had just gotten herself into some crisis that could potentially cost her life.

A few steps after the sign was the rusty, brown iron gate that she slowly reached out to push open. Immediately rescinding her hand away, a shiver of revulsion crawled between her shoulder blades at the wet substance that now coated her palm as she glared at it with disdain.

The gate was covered with fresh, metallic-smelling blood, and now so was her hand. Startled, Ezra felt like turning around and sprinting for her life but her mind said one thing while her body said another. She reached out again and went on to push open the gate since she did not have any other choice anyway. She had to complete this game in order to get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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