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You know how sometimes you meet people you think you will never see again but soon enough they are your whole life?

You don't?

Well, neither do they.


The Formula one drivers were invited to an event. A different one.

The University of Cambridge in London had their graduation ceremony today. You may wonder what does racing driver has to do with an university, well nothing.

The university invited them as one of the class that was graduating was specialised into car mechanic and they thought the students would find useful a speech from people that drive cars for a living.

The driver arrived at the university at 16:30 and took their places in the audience.

The speech will be given by Sebastian, Lewis and Fernando, since they are ones of the most experienced there. Kimi should have been there too, but you know him, he is Kimi.

Lando was sat between Carlos and Kimi, he knew Carlos would enjoy a talk in-between the less important parts of the event but Kimi would slap him if he starts talking, just because his voice gets a little annoying to the older man sometimes.

Kimi looked uncomfortable, even disturbed, at first they didn't think anything about it, all of them knew he didn't liked a lot of people, but this time was different, like he wanted to be out of there at any coast.

Carlos noticed something, "Kimi, I don't think it's appropriate to look at that girl like that, after all you have a wife and kids" the Ferrari driver laughed, while he reached his hand in front of Lando to tap Kimi's shoulder.

Lando looked at the girl Carlos was talking about. She was pretty. Beautiful. Too beautiful. Almost like it was forbidden to look at her.

Kimi looked like he was caught doing something really bad, "I- I am n- not looking at anyone, mind your business" he tried to escape Carlos' joke but to him it wasn't a joke, it was a sensitive topic.

Everyone heard somehow about the girl Kimi was looking at, some of them talking about her, other looking a bit too much. Only poor Lando didn't understand what was going on, too focused on his phone, oh and Antonio, but he didn't even bother to say something, just sent Kimi a warning look.

But she was indeed beautiful. Some of the drivers joked that Kimi had a wife, that this girl was 20 years younger than him, but she was pretty so they understood why he was looking at her.

For Kimi it was disgusting. Hearing them talking like that, he had a wife and they knew it for God's sake.

The event began, many people were awarded for good grades and stuff, Lando wasn't paying much attention.

"Now I want to introduce to you our best student, our pure diamond, won so many awards, so many recognition, she is a real blessing for this university, lady's and gentlemen, Kate Nicoles"
he guy said and all the audience got up clapping.

"Well she must be the class' favourite" Carlos mumbled to Lando and he slightly laughed then looked at the stage.

'It was the pretty girl, her name was Kate, it suited her, kinda' Lando thought

He look a glare at Kimi, the older driver again was looking like he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Thank you so much mr. Jones. I want to thank everyone that helped me through the years, my mother, my friends and family, and some of the most amazing people I met on a stadium here in London" she said like a joke and everyone laughed, "You think Im joking, but Im not, I met my second family on Stamford Bridge and now I know they are all watching, so thank you blues, you made my life better, without you I wouldn't have been here." she wiped a tear away and smiled.

"You are our youngest student this year, only 21 years old and already graduating university, you family must be proud, you are a role model for everyone in England, thank you" she thanked him back and sat down again.

The event continued and after two hours the drivers had given their speeches and everything was done, until Christian Horner spoke, "Wait around, there is someone I would like you to meet" he said and rushed to the backstage, a few minutes later he walked out with the same girl on his side.

Everyone was looking between her and Kimi, they all saw the tension between them.

Had he slept with her? But he has a wife and kids. She is so young? But still so beautiful. All of these thoughts were going through the drivers minds. Little did they knew.

After a few more moments of silence she spoke to him, and what she said shocked everyone.

"Hi dad."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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