Chapter 1

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Caffeine. This was the first coherent thought that popped into my head on this god awful morning I call Hellday, but the masses seem to prefer the name Monday. My alarm had gone off ten minutes ago, but I was still snuggled deep into my warm covers, not ready to get up and face the world. Beside me on my bedside table my phone buzzed loudly and I groaned. I snatched my phone from where it lay beside the still open bottle of candy cotton pink nail polish I had been using last night.

Asher: If you get out of bed right now and are ready and waiting in 15 minutes we can pick up Starbucks on our way to school.

Despite my annoyance at having to be awake at this hour of the morning, a small smile turned up the corners of the lips at the sight of my boyfriend’s name and the promise of Starbucks. He knew exactly what it took to get me out of bed.

Lainey: My hero. I’ll be ready.

Asher: I don’t think you can do it babe.

Lainey: Challenge accepted.

I threw open my closet and looked at the mess of ripped jeans, band tees, sweaters and skirts that presented themselves to me. I settled on a pair of high-rise jean cut offs and a Sleeping With Sirens crop top. Slipping on my black combat boots I glanced at my Hello Kitty alarm clock. Ten minutes left.

Next came my hair (pulled back in a messy bun) and my make-up (eyeliner, mascara, and lip-gloss). By the time I got done with the bathroom routine there were five minutes left on the clock. I thudded down the stairs, pausing in the living room to snatch my messenger bag from where I had dumped it last night on the floral print love seat.

In the kitchen my mother, or Alyson as the rest of the world knew her, was at the sink cleaning the breakfast dishes, her long red hair that was almost identical to my own pulled up in her typical loose ponytail. Beside her my tousled haired little brother, Jason, was at the counter packing his Speed Racer lunch. He was wearing the same red Flash shirt I was pretty sure he had been sporting for the past week, but this morning was not the morning to question his fashion choices.

“Laney there’s a plate of bacon and eggs on the table for you.” My mom said glancing over her shoulders and giving me a good morning smile. She looked like one of those mothers you see in the catalog picture perfect and at ease.

I glanced at my phone, three minutes until Asher would be here, “No time mom. Asher, bet, Starbucks on the line.” I rattled off random words, knowing she would get the basic idea of what was going on from past experience.

Sure enough the next question she asked was, “How much time do you have left?”

“One minute.” I called already halfway down the hall towards the front door. Right as I stepped out into the bright October morning, Asher’s old red truck ground to a stop right in front of my house. Running down my front steps, I give him a triumphant smile.

“I made it with thirteen seconds to spare.” I gloated as I slid into the passenger seat.

Asher leaned over to kiss me sweetly on the lips before putting the car back into gear, “I can’t believe it.” He said, a wry smile on his handsome face.

“Never underestimate me when caffeine is involved.” I said gravely, “You should know this by now.”

“Yeah, yeah,” He waved me off, “At least we won’t be late for homeroom for once.”

“It depends on how long the line is.”

“Lane.” He groaned, letting his head fall heavily onto the steering wheel causing his dark brown hair to spill into his face.

“It’s your choice babe: be late for homeroom or deal with me without coffee for the whole day. Choose you torture.”

“Late for homeroom it is.” Asher exclaimed and I giggled.

“Smart choice.”

When we came to a red light Asher reached over and took my hand in his. He didn’t say anything, he just squeezed it twice, which was our code for. I love you. I squeezed his hand back three times. I love you more. I glanced over at him through my hair and saw him looking at me blue eyes sparkling. He looked so happy and it made my heart feel like it was swelling up inside my chest. Like it would break right through my rib cage. But then the light turned green and we started to move again, but for a second Asher didn’t look away. And that second was all it took. With one blink of an eye my whole entire world came crashing down around me in a screech of metal, a burst of flame and a showering of glass.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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